Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Quick, Mom's not looking!

Tonya and her boys came over this afternoon. I had the munchies so I made some popcorn loaded with butter for a snack. Mason has severe dairy allergies and was not allowed any of the popcorn. I was concentrating on keeping Mason away from everyone's popcorn so he wouldn't get sick and was not paying attention to little Jacob sitting on my lap. When I finally turned and looked at him he had grabbed a fistful of popcorn and was trying to shove it in his mouth. He was not happy when I took it from him!! So, tonight Jared stopped at a store on the way home to buy him some of those Gerber Fruit Puffs that dissolve in the mouth. Jacob ate a few banana ones and loved them. Those will just have to do until he's old enough for the good stuff.

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