Monday, December 15, 2008

You have 1 new message...

We have still not had snow... I mean a real snowfall. We've had a light dusting a time or two. You know the kind where you have to really look at the ground to be sure it there is snow or the kind that resembles powdered sugar sprinkled on brownies? Even without a snow fall the kids had a "snow day" today. We had an ice storm blow through last night with winds so strong I dreamt I was in a tornado (no joke, I really dreamt that). As the wind blew through it took with it our beautiful 50 degree weather. Apparently, the roads were too icy for school buses and a lovely flashing message on my phone this morning informed me that my kids could stay asleep. It really turned out to be a pleasant day. We laid around in the morning before finally getting dressed. Then we ventured out on the icy roads to play with and eat lunch with friends in their new house. When we got home Jacob slept while the girls watched Rudolph and I read a book. I even managed to squeeze in a few loads of laundry.


Hadlock Hideaway said...

That sure does sound like a very pleasant day! I love reading your posts (Sorry that I don't commit very often). They always either make me laugh or I feel like I am right there with you thinking I know exactly how you feel.

On a side note I've seen a lot of Tree Boy lately... he says hello.

Nikki said...

oh I love days like that! glad you had a good day!