Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's

My husband is very good at scary/startling me and playing tricks on me. Through the years, I have tried in vain to play a good prank on him. I have never really succeeded. He's too observant and usually catches me, or the pranks fail to elicit the appropriate hoped for response from him. At the bus stop today, my hilarious neighbor was telling me all the pranks she had pulled on her kids and husband already that morning. (I had actually forgotten the date until Katy tricked me.) My neighbor proceeded to tell me how she had to hurry home from the bus stop she she could stop at the bank her husband worked out before continuing to her work. She planned to move his car so he became confused and then panicked when his car was gone. She quickly waved and skipped back to her house, but the damage had already been done. The wheels in my brain were turning. Could it really work? Is it worth the drive? It would be perfect, its a new car. How mean should I be? (there's dozens of parking lots there) Can I remember how to find the lot he parks in? Is it worth it? In the end I decided on 2 things: 1) I should pay more attention to what he says and 2)It would definitely be worth the time and gas to finally pull off a successful prank. With keys and kids in tote, we started off. I had a little difficulty finding his lot, but eventually made it, moved his car, and made my get away. I was a little concerned when I noticed the new offices where right by the lot, it increased my chances of getting caught. I also was concerned when I noticed a sign that said "CLOSED SITE, NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL" but in the end everyone was either too busy or too amused by the obviously out of place housewife with out of state plates to ask questions. I pulled away and pulled out my phone to call Tonya. As I was recounting my escapade to her, I got a beep in from Jared's cell. I wondered how in the world he had discovered it already. I quickly clicked over.
Jared: Did I miss a call from you?
Me: Phew! He's just returning my call! No, I started to call you but found what I needed. I didn't want to needlessly bother you so I hung up. I wonder if he realizes how close I am to him, hehe he!
Jared: That explains why I never heard it ring. What did you do today?
Me: Uh-oh, is he leading up to something? I then proceed to tell him a detailed account of the mundane things I had done so far today.
Jared: Did you happen to come to Wood River?
Me: Why on earth would I go to Wood River?
Jared: That's the last time I leave the spare keys home on April's Fools Day

Apparently, mere minutes (or maybe even seconds) after I pulled away, he came out to run an errand. He was a little confused but figured he'd just forgotten where he parked. When it became apparent his car was not in the row he always parks, he wondered if he'd left his keys on his desk and a co-worker was playing a trick. He quickly discounted this theory when he realized his keys had been in his pants pockets all day. Then the panic began to set in. He wandered through the lot with many thoughts whirling through his head. What had happened to his car? He hadn't even had it that long!! Seriously, where is my car??? He noticed a car similar to his parked in the last row but was certain he had not parked there. Eventually, he walked closer to it for inspection when he couldn't find his car anymore. Relieved to have finally found, he called me. He figured me moving it was the only logical explanation. I was relieved to hear that it had actually worked for a change. I wasn't sure I had moved it far enough but didn't want press me luck behind the gates too much.
Chalk one point in the books for me. Yeah!!! Its about time!!!


Amy said...

Congrats on the successful prank. I have yet to come up with a good one for Adam. He told me last night that he has been waiting 11 years to pull the faucet spray one on me!

Shelly said...

Yeeah good for you!

C said...

Definitely have to try that one next year.