Sunday, November 15, 2009

Veteran's day

The kids had the day off school on Veteran's day. After our morning trip to the gym, we loaded up and went to the zoo. We had never been to the Children's zoo section before, so we decided to check it out. The kids had a blast! They enjoyed the hands-on activities, the slides that went through the otter exhibit, brushing the goats, and petting various animals such as turtles, snakes, guinea pigs, etc. After we left the children's zoo section, each child picked his/her favorite animal to go visit. We were supposed to meet our friends, but due to cell phone malfunctions didn't find each other until we were leaving, maybe next time we can actually meet up.

My little otters

After petting the Guinea pigs I was yelled at for not letting them have a pet. (Good thing I have allergies, it gets me out of this argument. Although Xandy was once willing to get a new mom if it meant she could have a kitten)

This little girl loves animals and loved playing "vet". We may have a career path here.

Jacob loved the jeep! He had fun pretending he was Diego.

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