Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Visiting Teaching

After the broadcast tonight, I felt impressed to record an experience I had several years ago.  Since my blog is the only kind of journal I've been keeping, I decided here's as good as place as any....

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to meet with the 1st counselor in the Relief Society Presidency of my ward.  I had grown up in the ward we were attending and had known this amazing sister for several years.  She was the mother of one of my close friends in high school.  She had been my little brother's primary teacher several times, and he absolutely adored her.  She was always smiling and welcoming.  She made those she came in contact with feel valued and cared about.  Her husband was not a member, yet she faithfully attended church week after week, staying true to the sacred covenants she had made with her Heavenly Father.  She was a great example to me and a true model of a servant of Christ. 
The Relief Society Presidency was meeting with each sister in the ward to dicuss visiting teaching and I had the privelege of getting to meet with her. 

Up until this point, I did not have a positive view on visiting teaching.  As a college student it seemed like the end of the month was always a heavy test week.  Since most people (myself included) waited until the last minute to visit sisters, visiting teaching added more stress and chaos to an already stressful time.  As a young mother working to put my husband through school, my opinion did not change much after I was married.  The precious time I had at home, I wanted to spend with my husband and sweet baby girl(s).  Visiting teaching and being visit taught still seemed like a burden. 

As I sat in a room at the church with this sweet sister she asked me my opinion of visiting teaching.   I paused for a moment, considering whether to be completely truthful or not.  Then I reluctantly told her my honest opinion.  She listened to what I had to say without judgement and then asked if she could tell me a story about a visiting teacher who had changed her life. 

I listened to her relate her story.  She explained how she had not always been active in the church.  She talked about a time when she had stopped attending church.  She proceeded to tell me about a visiting teacher who despite having several young children at home came to visit her every month.  Sometimes it was to share a message.  Other times the VT dropped off a treat.  Sometimes, this VT just stopped by to say hello and see if she needed anything.  She became emotional when she told me it was through the love and diligence of her visiting teacher that she decided to return to church.  She expressed her gratitude that this visiting teacher had fulfilled her calling and persevered despite the fact that my dear friend was not always receptive to the message.  She ended by expressing the love and appreciation she had for my mother, her visiting teacher.  I was caught off gaurd, but then my memory was sparked.  I could remember my mom stopping by to briefly say hello or drop of a treat while we were in the car.  I remember asking my mom whose house we were at. I remember my mom praying for this sister.
 As I walked away from that meeting, I left with a determination to improve my attitude towards this divine program.  I'm not always perfect in this. Sometimes its been easy, other times a struggle.  I also walked away grateful for the good example my mother had taught and appreciation that my friend had shared her story with me.  As I think back to some of the closest friends I've had since this meeting, many of them have been my visiting teachers, my visiting teaching companions, or sisters I've visit taught.


Amy said...

THANK YOU for sharing that. I just wrote in my journal on Sunday about VT. I had been watering the garden on Saturday before the RS broadcast and I ended up thinking about how great VT is. I have been blessed by doing it more than any of the sisters I visit have been blessed by things I've said or done for them. I have learned so much from the sisters I've associated with. And then to hear Sis. Thompson talk about VT was just fabulous. I think I enjoyed hers and Pres. Monson's talks the most.

the Petterson Family said...

I can't the ways that visiting teaching has blessed my life, by doing it and having great vteachers! Thanks for sharing this touching story!

the Petterson Family said...

can't *count* the ways...sorry!