Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My "baby" boy

I wrote this post several weeks ago and just never got around to adding pictures and posting it.  His B-day was almost a month ago now

Okay, so maybe he's not a baby anymore.  Especially since he turned 3 last week. THREE????  I can't believe how fast that time went. Here's a little bit about him:
He loves to play with his sister's.
He adores his Dad.
Mommy is his best friend........until the girls and Dad come home
He is my pickiest eater
He still loves to snuggle with me (except when he's trying to stay awake)
Toy Story is his latest obsession
He wants a little dog
He has tried to get on the school bus a few times
He beats up the bad guys during movies and TV shows
He wishes he didn't have to take turns saying prayer- he wants it to always be his turn.
He loves missionaries now that Uncle Alex is on a mission
He likes to talk and talk to anyone who will lend an ear
He will always be my baby

  We got a Turtle Pie from Bobby's on his B-day.  IT WAS GOOD!!  He kept asking when his friend party was.  His sisters all had friend parties this year and he was insistent that he had one.  I wasn't sure it was necessary for a 3 yr old (this is what happens by the time you get to the 4th).  He was so insistant that I finally broke down.  He, of course, wanted a Toy Story party.  He had a few friends come over while Austin was visiting.  He was super bummed that his best bud Tyler was out of town.  We went through an obstacle course to escape from Sunnyside.  Then we dug for Army men in the sandbox.  We had some other games to play but never did get to them.  He had a blast and will still tell anyone that we see all about his Toy Story b-day.  I forgot to take pictures at his actual party which is why its only him and Austin in the pictures.  I had them re-create picture ops from the party after everyone had left.
Woody singing Happy B-day to Buzz
 Army crawling through part of the obstacle course
 Digging for army men
 Playing with the Toy Story racer toy Jacob got for his B-day
Even though Tyler couldn't come to his party we did get to go to the zoo with them a few weeks beforehand. The boys had a blast
It was fun to see the baby giraffe 

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday Jacob! Tyler was really sad he missed the party too--I felt so bad! We'll have to get them together soon.