Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Storm 2011 (Round 1)

The week before last we got over a foot of snow. I know, after living in Cleveland, that doesn't seem like a big deal but it is HUGE for here. The forecast was calling for it and school got cancelled the night before but when Jared and I went to bed it still was barely snowing. Boy, were we surprised when we woke up. Jared worked from home that day and managed to take a little break to sled with us. One neighbor said this was the most snow they'd had since 1999 another claimed it was the most snow they'd had since she was in elementary school (she's a few years older than me). Either way, it was a big deal.

Its hard to tell, but the snow is piled almost as high as Katy's shoulder

We've actually had several snow days this month. One day we spent sledding with the Davis family. We had a great time.

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