Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cold Snow days

The kids had two days off school last week due to snow/cold. There really wasn't that much snow but there was enough to sled, and thats what matters. Although the below zero windchills put a definate time limit on any sledding that took place, we did manage to squeeze a little in before the temps dropped to much. It was nice to just walk down the street to sled and not brave the unplowed streets.

After sledding, the girls had fun taking pictures of each others' crazy hair. Xandy had a strand that was actually frozen.

I really enjoyed the two days with the kids since we didn't end up having any relax time at home during the Holidays. We completely clean sweeped the older girls bedroom, read books, cooked with their new cookbooks, and relaxed. Once I got home from the YMCA on Wednesday, the van didn't leave its spot in the garage until Sunday morning. We were crossing our fingers that it would start.

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