Monday, January 11, 2010

Nativity FHE

Growing up, we always acted out the nativity story on Christmas Eve. Our ward has nativity costumes that we were allowed to borrow throughout the month. Our good friends, the Pearsons, came over for FHE the Monday before Christmas and we acted out the nativity story. It was quite amusing trying to get all the little kids to be where they were supposed to be. It was a lot of fun though!

Samuel the Lamanite

An angel and Mary

An angel and Joseph

The two little sheperds

An angel and the sheperds
A chorus of angels

sheperds at the manger

our three wise"girls"
worshipping the Christ child

my cute little sheperd boy


Amy said...

Looks like a great bunch of actors. Adam's family always acts out the nativity before Christmas too, but with 14 grandkids that are involved, it gets a little chaotic and we often have two Marys and two Josephs.

C said...

Hi Terra! This post brings back memories of my childhood nativity experiences. Only we used sheets and hot pads on our heads :)
That's awesome that you and your SIL's are cooking from that cookbook.
I'm going to see if I can find it somewhere. Sounds like you all are having lots of fun. Your kids are adorable.