We found a town about 30 minutes away, literally in the middle of nowhere that had an apple orchard and a pumpkin farm. One WARM fall saturday we decided to check them out. Our first stop was the apple orchard. A wagon pulled by horses took us out the the apple trees. The wagon was filling up on the return ride and we were in the front, The driver turned around and asked Katy if she wanted to sit up front with her. The other girls were a little green with envy. After a few minutes, much too our surprise, the driver handed Katy the reins and started instructing her how to steer the horses. I thought the other kids were going to die with envy at this point. Katy, who is always up for a new adventure, was beaming with joy as she drove the wagon. I'm not sure the mom with the 2 month old baby was quite as pleased as we were when Katy took the reins :) The apples were delicious!! I'm not a huge fan of store bought apples but I just can't get enough fresh picked ones. Jared was shocked at how fast our family went through the basket of apples.

Next, we hit the pumpkin patch. WOW!!! can I just say it pays to live in the country...I've never gotten pumpkins so cheap in my whole life. Not even in Avon before it became overdeveloped. We were able to get all the kids one for the price of one walmart pumpkin. The kids enjoyed the play area that was set up. Highlights included a maze, te ever popular face cutouts...
.....a haunted bus
...a wooden train
Mom forcing them in a group photo...not such a highlight for them. Notice Ms. Bella's facial expression and body language.
It was a fun day with perfect weather. I love fall even though it means the onset of winter!!