Tuesday, March 8, 2011

February Catch up (musicals and b-days)

I noticed while uploading Bella's b-day pictures that we missed a few February events. 

Bella had her Kindergarten musical. They did the same program Xandy did in kindergarten but it was just as cute this time around.  Bella was upset she didn't get a speaking part but she spent the first half of the year too terrified to talk in class so the music teacher had know idea she was interested in a speaking part.  I explained that if she wants to get speaking parts she needs to participate in class.

Jared had a B-day in February also.  We had 4- Layer Dessert which is his request every year. For about 9 weeks of every year I can tease him and call him an old man.  Then I quickly catch up so I can't tease him anymore.  I still have about 5 good weeks of teasing left this year.

My darling Bella turns 6

Bella turned 6 on Saturday!  I can hardly believe it.  She's grown up so much this past year.  Just in the past month she's made great improvements in her reading ability. She doing excellent in her piano lessons.  She has made a lot of friends this year.  I'm so proud of her in so many ways.

A couple of weeks ago she was spotlighted in primary.  They asked some of the other kids and teachers what they liked about her.   The replies were written on the back of this picture.  Its a great keepsake for the kids.

Things we like about Bella:
She is sweet
She is thoughtful
She is friendly & nice
She is reverent
She is beautiful
She loves her scriptures
She is a good friend
She is gorgeous
I love her
She is a good sister
She is a good classmate
She is kind
We Love You Bella!!!

Bella is having a party in a couple of weeks but we still wanted to make her actual B-day special.  However, due to stake conference and other events Saturday was pretty busy.  We had ordered a Bobby's cake but realized when we woke up that by the time we could pick it up at noon, we wouldn't all be home together again until 10pm.  We decided to save the cake for Sunday, and instead let her pick whatever she wanted for breakfast.  So off she went with Dad to pick out some donuts.  We are having a pool party at the YMCA so she only got a pair of new jeans and Twinkle Toe shoes (which are not cheap- thank goodness for a Buy One Get One 1/2 off and a mom who needed new running shoes) from us. 

On Sunday we had chicken legs, carrot sticks, and fresh pineapple for dinner- her favorites.  Her cake ended up being the best B-day cake I've ever had.  A layer of Sandy Dandy(strawberries, pecans, and hard chocolate) concrete followed by fudge and crunchies, then strawberry cheesecake concrete frosted with a whipping cream.  Yum Yum!!
Today I took donuts and chocolate milk into her class for her B-day snack and Jacob and I ate lunch with her.  She really knows how to extend her B-days.  Jacob wants to know if its his turn yet.  Not for quite some time yet little buddy.