Tuesday, March 8, 2011

February Catch up (musicals and b-days)

I noticed while uploading Bella's b-day pictures that we missed a few February events. 

Bella had her Kindergarten musical. They did the same program Xandy did in kindergarten but it was just as cute this time around.  Bella was upset she didn't get a speaking part but she spent the first half of the year too terrified to talk in class so the music teacher had know idea she was interested in a speaking part.  I explained that if she wants to get speaking parts she needs to participate in class.

Jared had a B-day in February also.  We had 4- Layer Dessert which is his request every year. For about 9 weeks of every year I can tease him and call him an old man.  Then I quickly catch up so I can't tease him anymore.  I still have about 5 good weeks of teasing left this year.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

4 layer Dessert is Dave's favorite too!