Thursday, June 11, 2009

Potty power

Tuesday night as I was changing Jacob's diaper to put him in his PJs, he suddenly became very upset. He jumped up and ran into the bathroom. When I caught up to him he was sitting on the little potty and he was PEEING! I had nothing to do with it, and have not been working with him at all. He's only 20 months, and after training 3 other children, I was in no hurry to start the battle of wills until he was older and ready. The potty doubles as a step stool so it was down so Bella could reach the sink easier. The next morning when I went to change him he went and sat on the potty again but nothing happened. I wasn't concerned, I was not going to push this. Today, as I was changing him out of his PJs, I asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty before I put his diaper on. He said yes, ran in and peed again. I'm still not going to push him too hard, but hey, if he wants to, more power to him!


the Petterson Family said...

That is awesome!

yvonne said...

That is so awesome! I am such an advocate of this. He's ready do it- If you wait you will prolong it until he's 3. Jenna and Samuel were both 20 months. They were great and I was done with the dreaded diapers!