The girls have made it through their first week of school. Some are a little more excited to be going than others. We are still struggling to get back into our routine but are making great progress. We found out Monday via a letter that Katy was going to be in an advanced math class. They tested all the 3rd graders at the end of last year and based on the results selected students for this class. Katy does not think she is good at math. When I read the letter out loud she asked if she had to go to a special class because she's stupid in math. When I told her that it was the opposite and she was in an advanced class she freaked out. I thought she was going to hyperventilate. She was so nervous. Good thing for Fathers blessings, that helped calm her down. She is also going to play the violin in the school orchestra. Xandy doesn't have much to say about the school part but I think she's glad to be back in a social hub. She also likes being "king" of the school, the looked up to, wise and old second graders. Bella seems to really be liking school. I was able to help out a little in her class this week. The only problem is she is so shy that when they tried to get a feel for which letters and numbers each individual student knew she was too shy to talk. Hopefully, as she gets more comfortable the she'll be better. Before long, the teacher may be wishing for the "shy" Bella instead of the Bella that never stops talking at home. Jacob did pretty well the first few days. I think he enjoyed having mom to himself. Today was a little harder though. He's been missing the girls a lot today. Good thing its the weekend and he'll get a few days with them. I was excited to try some little shops in town I was never comfortable taking two or more kids into. I tried to go yesterday. Jacob did pretty good in the first store but decided the second store was in his words "a girl store". He didn't want any part of the "girl store" and kept pulling me to the door. Needless to say, I didn't really get to look. I think its a conspiracy and wonder how much his Dad is paying him to keep me out of stores. Jared said it was a good thing Xandy wasn't the youngest. He shudders to think of the damage the two of us could do shopping together all the time.
Tuesday (1/2 day)

Wednesday (1st Full day)

Friday- we made it through week 1

With Baylea and Kindyl- the neighbors we watch before and after school