Friday, August 20, 2010

Our little Kindergartner

One evening last week the schools were open to the public. Students could drop their supplies off in their lockers. Some teachers were there for students to meet. The Kindergarten teachers held orientation for the students and parents. The night before Bella had cried her self to sleep because she was nervous about starting school and leaving mom. After the orientation she could hardly make it through the rest of summer for school to start.

Bella by her locker

Bella with her teacher Mrs. Hellman

The first day was a 1/2 day

At the bus stop

Getting on the bus

One last look before the bus pulls away (notice her pink flower in the window)

Bella was excited to take and eat her lunch at school. She insisted on a picture with her lunch bag

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow - kindergartners have lockers??? They are big enough to climb in. Aaron might get a hook for a backpack and maybe a small cubby. He starts on Monday.

We'll see how well Josh does without a playmate. Luckily we'll do all our errands in the morning while Aaron's gone, so he won't be as bored at home.