Saturday, October 9, 2010

Group Fitness Instructor Certification

A month ago I went to an all day group fitness certification on a Friday.  I had wanted to certify for a little under a year but decided to wait to fall because AFAA was having an Apex event in St. Louis which made the cost of the course $99 instead of $299.  AFAA is the Areobics and Fitness Asssociation of America.  We had a textbook for the course, along with a supplemental guide, 40+ page study guide, and practice test.  I borrowed my friend's books so I wouldn't have to pay another hundred bucks for all the materials.  AFAA does send everyone a study guide for free.  I spent many hours of reading and studying leading up to that day.  I tend to be a little obsessive compulsive  when it comes to studying for tests.  In addition to reading all the materials, filling out the study guide, and memorizing the muscles in the body, I made flash cards out of the entire study guide.  It took a LOT of index cards. 

My friend Kristie decided to certify with me.  We worked together to come up with our pratical portion of the exam.  We needed to demonstrate a warm-up and cardio segment of a class. Everyone in the certification would be demonstrating this at the same time.  We figured if we were doing the same routine, if either one of us got nervous and panicked, forgetting the routine, we could glance at the other and make a quick recovery.  We also had to prepare an individual exercise with three different intensity levels to verbally and visually teach the rest of the class.  I chose the plank.

We also had to get CPR/AED certified beforehand.  We did an online course through the American Heart Association and then took a pratical exam at the hospital.  It ended up being a very convenient way of certifying since I didn't have to get Jacob a babysitter.  I did the online portion while he was napping and Kristie and I switched off watching him during the pratical

The day of the certification came and we set off with butterflies in our stomach.  We were disappointed when we arrived at the location (a local college) to find there were no signs directing us.  Our packets only had the address of the college listed and we assumed there would be signs or something to help mark which building it was in.  We headed to the entrance that appeared to have a fieldhouse near it.  When we saw other people in workout attire and yoga mats we hoped we had the right place.  A lot of the other people at the certification already taught classes and were certifying with AFAA through their respective gyms.  It was a little intimidating since Kristie and I don't currently teach classes.  I had taught the ab part of my friend's class a couple days beforehand.  It went pretty well so that helped me feel a little more confident.  They ended up splitting us into two different rooms based on the first letter of our last names.  Of course, Kristie and I ended up in different rooms. 

We spent most of the day reviewing the packet and going over different parts of the pratical exam.  I liked how much feedback we were given.  It also helped that the instructor kept checking our alignment to make sure we wouldn't have any points deducted during the actual pratical part of the exam.  I knew that as long as I did everything the way I had all day, I'd be fine.  She kept stressing that they weren't looking for creativity, just proper alignment and execution. 

When it came time for the pratical portion they lined us up alphabetically by our last name.  I wasn't worried since "R" was in the middle of the "M-Z".  There must've been a lot of "s" in there cause I ended up front and center.  The warmup and cardio segment of the pratical were probably pretty funny to watch.  There were 40 of us in the room all doing our own thing.  I had to make small moves to keep from crashing into the people around me.  When it came time for the strength exercises and stretching, I got a little nervous.  One of the judges was standing directly in front of me.  Everytime she made a mark, I panicked that I had done something wrong but I seemed to be in correct alignment.  It was just nerve-wracking having her stand right there.  They rushed us through the individual presentation due to time contraints.  I didn't get to say everything I had planned but it was okay.

I got my results in the mail this week.  When they say it takes 4-6 weeks it really does take that long.  I only missed two on the written test out of 100.  They don't tell which ones you miss, nor do you find out your pratical score.  I only know that I passed.  I am now officially a certified group fitness instructor.  Since the certification day I've taught a few more portions of my friend's class.  I am also now on the sub list at the YMCA. 


Loni said...

AWESOME!!!!!!! Congrats! Does this mean that while you are out here for Thanksgiving you'll give us all a group fitness class?

Josh and Shyann Croke Family said...

That is so great! COngraulations passing! I bet you are a great instructor.

Amy said...

Congratulations! What a lot of work.

Natalie Buchkovich said...

I agree with Loni! We want a class!!

the Petterson Family said...

That is soo awesome! YOu are my hero!