Monday, September 26, 2011
Raging Rivers
We went to Raging Rivers one last time with the tickets the kids earned through school. Jacob was thrilled to see spider man (I think he was there for a b-day party). He originally spotted him from quite a distance away and was insistent that we get closer. Spider Man took some time to talk with Jacob and pose for a picture. Jacob even got a hug and a high five before we left. Jacob was a little disappointed he had worn his CARS suit that day instead of his Spiderman ones.
Botanical Gardens
Mima, PopPop and Grandma B came a few days before the baptism. Katy really wanted to see the botanical gardens before we left (her siblings had all been there before). Grandma B and PopPop stayed home, but Mima and they rest of us set off the explore the gardens.
Xandy's Baptism
Xandy turned 8 the end of April and was baptized the over Memorial weekend. Both sets of grandparents were able to attend as well as Great Grandpa and Grandma Reed and Great Grandma Buchkovich. We tried to plan a double baptism with her second cousin Megan, but it was too hard to arrange all the grandparents schedule together. Megan ended up getting baptized the weekend after.

The dress Xandy was baptized in was made by my Grandma Sharpe for my baptism. Katy wore it also.
G. Grandpa & Grandma Reed, Megan and Xandy
Reed and Morrison kids
4 generations of Reed men (Aren't they handsome?)
Megan and Xandy are 2 peas from the same pod. Born about 2 weeks apart they have the same personality have been great friends the last few years. Such a same that we live so far apart now. The Morrisons moved the same week as us and are now in southern Arizona.
Xandy with her great grandparents (we wish Grandpa and Grandma Zimmer could've been here too)
Xandy asked Grandma Reed and Katy to talk. Katy had a lot of help from Mima. Mima and mom said prayers. G. Grandma Reed led the music while mom accompanied on the piano. Interlude music was provided by Katy.
These posts are really out of order, but I'm so far behind that I'm just going to try to catch up and not worry about chronological order
We said a lot of goodbyes during the month of June. I hate the way I look in most of these pictures, but I guess thats just life. Our last Sunday:
Our last day at the pool:
We said a lot of goodbyes during the month of June. I hate the way I look in most of these pictures, but I guess thats just life. Our last Sunday:
Me, Melody and Lisa
Sarah and I
Sarah and the kids
Sarah was our favorite babysitter but was so involved in school and band that it was a special treat when she was available. We were known to plan dates around her schedule. Lisa is Sarah's mom and a wonderful example and friend to me. We will really miss them. They moved to Texas a few days before we left the St. Louis area.Our last day at the pool:
Jacob and Grace
Sidney, Xandy, and Layne (Layne moved to Ohio this summer)
I was so busy saying goodbyes that I hadn't put my coverup on yet. Please try to ignore the giant blinding white thighs. I know its hard to ignore and I apologize!Jennifer Weedman, me, Patti Cupp
Amy Nesbit, me and Elisa Mallrich
Bella and Jensen
Xandy and Layne (they met at Kindergarten orientation and have been great friends ever since. They are hoping that since their Grandma's both live within 45 minutes of Cedar Point that than can meet up during the summers.
Marathons & Triathalons
Last spring Katy's school had a read and run marathon. They had to read 26 books and run 26 miles over the course of several weeks. They had other activities you could substitute for a mile ie: soccer practice, running stairs for 30 min etc. For the most part, Katy logged all her miles by actually running.
Her school was down the street from one of the trails. The last miles was run together on the trail on a Saturday morning. The morning of, we met in the parking lot. They got t-shirts and bib numbers and then we all walked down to the trail. The 5th graders started first, after a 30 sec wait, the 4th graders started, followed by a pause and the 3rd graders. They ran 1/2 mile down the trail turned around and came back. I was standing with my friend Patti who has a 5th graders. We kept looking for her daughter since she started first. All of a sudden, I noticed Katy was coming down the home stretch. She ran her mile in about 9 minutes and finished before a bunch of the 5th graders. It was a super hot and humid morning so all of the kids did a great job in those conditions but we were especially proud of Katy. At the end they had bananas, water bottles and granola for the runners.
During the last two weeks of Katy's Read and Run Marathon, the other girls' school started a Triathalon. They had to read 26 books, eat 26 healthy snacks, and run 26 miles. I wish the timing had been a little better so I could've taken them all running at once. Again, there were alternate activtities but the girls logged most of their miles by actually jogging. Bella had a tendancy to be a little melodramatic about it. The neighbors probably thought I was torturing her because she would moan the whole time she ran. I wasn't even forcing her to participate. It was purely optional and she choose to. By the end they could both run 2 miles without stopping. They both have a tendancy to be more concerned with being social than applying themselves and doing their best. (Katy always wants to see how well she can do a task but the other girls could care less as long as they're with friends). I wanted them both to try hard they day they ran the final mile at school. (Their school had each grade level run the last mile separately at the track at the junior high next door. Since Jared was already commuting back and forth from Chicago, he happened to be home the Friday of the race and was able to come watch.) We decided to give them some incentive to try their best. I told them that if they ran the whole mile we would go to Bobby's. (Bobby's is the best frozen custard stand in the world) It didn't have to be fast, they just had to run the whole thing. The Kindergarden students went first. The whistle blew and Bella took off. She was flying. We were worried she was going to wear herself out by the end but she just kept flying around that track. She ended up being the first girl to finish and was either 3rd or 4th overall. I was completely astonishished (especially in light of the constant moaning while she ran at home). Needless to say, we were super proud of her.
Then it was time for the 2nd graders to go. Once again they lined up and the whistle blew. Once again, we were amazed as Xandy took off and never slowed down. She was the first girl in second place to finished and was only beat by 3 or 4 boys. We were so proud of them.
I love that the schools were encouraging reading and a healthy lifestyle. The kids really enjoyed it and was a great way to get the whole family involved (even if I did ruin the healthy part but frozen custard bribes!!)
Here's hoping the schools here in NW Indiana do this!
Her school was down the street from one of the trails. The last miles was run together on the trail on a Saturday morning. The morning of, we met in the parking lot. They got t-shirts and bib numbers and then we all walked down to the trail. The 5th graders started first, after a 30 sec wait, the 4th graders started, followed by a pause and the 3rd graders. They ran 1/2 mile down the trail turned around and came back. I was standing with my friend Patti who has a 5th graders. We kept looking for her daughter since she started first. All of a sudden, I noticed Katy was coming down the home stretch. She ran her mile in about 9 minutes and finished before a bunch of the 5th graders. It was a super hot and humid morning so all of the kids did a great job in those conditions but we were especially proud of Katy. At the end they had bananas, water bottles and granola for the runners.
During the last two weeks of Katy's Read and Run Marathon, the other girls' school started a Triathalon. They had to read 26 books, eat 26 healthy snacks, and run 26 miles. I wish the timing had been a little better so I could've taken them all running at once. Again, there were alternate activtities but the girls logged most of their miles by actually jogging. Bella had a tendancy to be a little melodramatic about it. The neighbors probably thought I was torturing her because she would moan the whole time she ran. I wasn't even forcing her to participate. It was purely optional and she choose to. By the end they could both run 2 miles without stopping. They both have a tendancy to be more concerned with being social than applying themselves and doing their best. (Katy always wants to see how well she can do a task but the other girls could care less as long as they're with friends). I wanted them both to try hard they day they ran the final mile at school. (Their school had each grade level run the last mile separately at the track at the junior high next door. Since Jared was already commuting back and forth from Chicago, he happened to be home the Friday of the race and was able to come watch.) We decided to give them some incentive to try their best. I told them that if they ran the whole mile we would go to Bobby's. (Bobby's is the best frozen custard stand in the world) It didn't have to be fast, they just had to run the whole thing. The Kindergarden students went first. The whistle blew and Bella took off. She was flying. We were worried she was going to wear herself out by the end but she just kept flying around that track. She ended up being the first girl to finish and was either 3rd or 4th overall. I was completely astonishished (especially in light of the constant moaning while she ran at home). Needless to say, we were super proud of her.
Warming up:
The whistle blows:
Gotta love that stride!
The kindergarten participants
Then it was time for the 2nd graders to go. Once again they lined up and the whistle blew. Once again, we were amazed as Xandy took off and never slowed down. She was the first girl in second place to finished and was only beat by 3 or 4 boys. We were so proud of them.
It turn out that when it was time for the 2nd graders to run my neighbor Liz asked how Bella did. (Her son was in Xandy's class and she knew about our Bobby's incentive) We were standing with the class and unbeknownst to me, Xandy overheard me tell Liz about Bella's incredible run. Not wanting to be out done by her little sister, Xandy decided to run her hardest also. Hey, whatever inspires your best hon!
Warming up:
And she's off:
Jenna, Avery, and Xandy (or Alex as she known at school)
The inspiration behind the perspiration:
I love that the schools were encouraging reading and a healthy lifestyle. The kids really enjoyed it and was a great way to get the whole family involved (even if I did ruin the healthy part but frozen custard bribes!!)
Here's hoping the schools here in NW Indiana do this!
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