It seems like just last Christmas we were bringing home our first baby and best Christmas present. Last night it was hard to believe that was seven years ago and that little baby was now on stage singing in her first Christmas concert while we sat in the audience with three other little ones. The music teacher did a wonderful job with the kids. Here's a little taste of what we saw.
Sorry I can't get it to flip the right way. It saved vertical but when I upload it flips horizontal. Not sure why :(
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
A child's worst fear
So this week I win the "worst mother award". I made every child's worst fear come true for my sweet 1st grader. Think back to when you were a kid. If you're parent wasn't the first one there to pick you up, your heart would start to race and your palms would get sweaty as you gripped your backpack with fear that you had been forgotten. Usually this would be in vain as 9.9 out of 10 times you would be picked up on time. Katy was not as fortunate this Wednesday. For those of you who haven't caught on yet, YES I did forget to pick up my child from school. It all started with a lazy afternoon. I had stuff to do to prepare for the busy Holidat season, but nothing pressing. As I rocked Bella to sleep and then nursed Jacob, I got a little sleepy. "What's the harm in a little catnap?" I thought to myself as I snuggled under a blanket on the couch with Jacob nestled in my arms. Alexandra tried to wake me several times and each time I would mutter "go color", or "read a book" and promptly fall back asleep. I couldn't think of anywhere I needed to be, or anything I needed to be doing (besides making 6 dozen cookies needed for the nextday) so I remained in my peaceful sleeping bliss.......until I was rudely awakened by the telephone. As I picked the phone up I noticed the caller ID registered Avon East Elementary. Still in a daze the horrible truth did not set in. "Why is the school calling now? Katy should be off the bus any minute." I thought to myself. Then the light bulb clicked on, I was supposed to pick her up. The voice on the other line briskly informed me that my child was waiting in the office for me. Bella got torn from her bed mid-sleep to land in her carseat as I threw her coat and shoes at her. Xandy helped me buckle in Jacob and we tore out of the driveway. When I arrived at the school Katy was the only student left. Standing in the office along with the secretary who was wearing her coat and holding her keys in her hand (and making it painfully obvious that I was the only reason she was still there!) Katy was valiantly trying to stay composed but losing the battle at each passing second. (I'm not sure how I forgot she needed picked up since I have picked her up every Wednesday this year. She has ballet at 4:30 and the bus doesn't drop her off until 4:25.) At this point we were now running late for ballet and Katy was pleading with me not to make her go. "Why don't you want to go to ballet?" I stupidly ask. "I don't want to be forgotten again!" Katy sobs. Okay, I guess I had that one coming. Hopefully in ten years, Katy will remember this moment as an absent-minded mom moment and not as a scarring childhood nightmare.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Gingerbread houses, Hot Cocoa & Friends
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Jacob's Blessing

Last Sunday we blessed Jacob at church. We were very greatful that Jared's parents were able to come. We had a very fun-filled week-end that even carried over into Monday and Tuesday. We saw the Christmas lights downtown and at Crocker Park. We got our Christmas tree and decorated it. We had the local extended family over to eat on Sunday. We went shopping and even had a little Christmas dinner. We deep fried a turkey which was really good (Thanks Loni!!!). By Tuesday night the girls were exhausted and very sad that Grandpa and Grandma were leaving in the morning. It is a shame that we don't get to see them more often. Here are some pictures of the week-end. FYI- my cousin made his blessing outfit. I am always impressed since sewing buttons on shirts is a major accomplishment for me!
O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas tree

Every year during the first week-end in December we head out to cut down our Christmas tree. This is a tradition that was carried over from my childhood. At the time, the area that is now Avon Commons was part of a Christmas tree farm. My siblings and I loved bundling up in our snow gear and tromping through the trees to find "the perfect one". We really did have to find the perfect one since mom was very particular about the tree. A tree could not be chosen until meeting mom's approval and this could be a lenthy process. Often one of us would be left standing at a tree she liked to mark the spot while she continued to peruse the lot to make sure she had chosen the best one. She would then retrace back to each tree one of the kids were marking to make her final decision. The owner would give each of us a candycane to eat while Dad tied the tree to the top of the car. Since the construction of Avon Commons, I have convinced the family to make the drive out to Wilcox Tree Farm in LaGrange. Our favorite spot to find a tree is in the back lot. You literally ride a wagon "over the river and through the woods". Only now, I get to be the mom. I take my time carefully examining each tree to make sure it meets all of my criteria. My own mom was sick this year and Alex and Dad were on their own in the tree selection. I had to laugh as Katy was left to mark a tree Dad liked while he continued his search. This year was especially fun. Jared's parents were visiting and we got to share this experience with them. I only wish there had been snow on the ground! After I finally picked my perfect tree we rode the tractor back to the front where we sipped free hot chocolate while Jared tied the tree to the car. Some traditions are just too fun to let die.
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