Sunday, December 9, 2007

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas tree

Every year during the first week-end in December we head out to cut down our Christmas tree. This is a tradition that was carried over from my childhood. At the time, the area that is now Avon Commons was part of a Christmas tree farm. My siblings and I loved bundling up in our snow gear and tromping through the trees to find "the perfect one". We really did have to find the perfect one since mom was very particular about the tree. A tree could not be chosen until meeting mom's approval and this could be a lenthy process. Often one of us would be left standing at a tree she liked to mark the spot while she continued to peruse the lot to make sure she had chosen the best one. She would then retrace back to each tree one of the kids were marking to make her final decision. The owner would give each of us a candycane to eat while Dad tied the tree to the top of the car. Since the construction of Avon Commons, I have convinced the family to make the drive out to Wilcox Tree Farm in LaGrange. Our favorite spot to find a tree is in the back lot. You literally ride a wagon "over the river and through the woods". Only now, I get to be the mom. I take my time carefully examining each tree to make sure it meets all of my criteria. My own mom was sick this year and Alex and Dad were on their own in the tree selection. I had to laugh as Katy was left to mark a tree Dad liked while he continued his search. This year was especially fun. Jared's parents were visiting and we got to share this experience with them. I only wish there had been snow on the ground! After I finally picked my perfect tree we rode the tractor back to the front where we sipped free hot chocolate while Jared tied the tree to the car. Some traditions are just too fun to let die.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

we went there too! except it was almost dark. a little less fun!