Friday, December 14, 2007

A child's worst fear

So this week I win the "worst mother award". I made every child's worst fear come true for my sweet 1st grader. Think back to when you were a kid. If you're parent wasn't the first one there to pick you up, your heart would start to race and your palms would get sweaty as you gripped your backpack with fear that you had been forgotten. Usually this would be in vain as 9.9 out of 10 times you would be picked up on time. Katy was not as fortunate this Wednesday. For those of you who haven't caught on yet, YES I did forget to pick up my child from school. It all started with a lazy afternoon. I had stuff to do to prepare for the busy Holidat season, but nothing pressing. As I rocked Bella to sleep and then nursed Jacob, I got a little sleepy. "What's the harm in a little catnap?" I thought to myself as I snuggled under a blanket on the couch with Jacob nestled in my arms. Alexandra tried to wake me several times and each time I would mutter "go color", or "read a book" and promptly fall back asleep. I couldn't think of anywhere I needed to be, or anything I needed to be doing (besides making 6 dozen cookies needed for the nextday) so I remained in my peaceful sleeping bliss.......until I was rudely awakened by the telephone. As I picked the phone up I noticed the caller ID registered Avon East Elementary. Still in a daze the horrible truth did not set in. "Why is the school calling now? Katy should be off the bus any minute." I thought to myself. Then the light bulb clicked on, I was supposed to pick her up. The voice on the other line briskly informed me that my child was waiting in the office for me. Bella got torn from her bed mid-sleep to land in her carseat as I threw her coat and shoes at her. Xandy helped me buckle in Jacob and we tore out of the driveway. When I arrived at the school Katy was the only student left. Standing in the office along with the secretary who was wearing her coat and holding her keys in her hand (and making it painfully obvious that I was the only reason she was still there!) Katy was valiantly trying to stay composed but losing the battle at each passing second. (I'm not sure how I forgot she needed picked up since I have picked her up every Wednesday this year. She has ballet at 4:30 and the bus doesn't drop her off until 4:25.) At this point we were now running late for ballet and Katy was pleading with me not to make her go. "Why don't you want to go to ballet?" I stupidly ask. "I don't want to be forgotten again!" Katy sobs. Okay, I guess I had that one coming. Hopefully in ten years, Katy will remember this moment as an absent-minded mom moment and not as a scarring childhood nightmare.


Natalie Buchkovich said...

I had that happen to me...and yes I amd still damaged from that experience! j/k! Don't you hate when something goes totally wrong just becasue we had to take a nap, or be lazy. Sometimes you just want to kick yourself! That is a common story to hear! Poor Katy, she needs her aunt and uncle to visit her!

Kate said...

Aww! Hugs!

Loni said...

Don't worry. That happened to me several times (as a child, not mother, yet) and it's only caused some major scars that have taken years of therapy to get through. I did have to cringe 'cause that forgetfulness is the worst!