I know I have not been very good at updating my blog lately, but spring is always a crazy busy time. I'll try my best to recap the happenings of the last few weeks.
Katy had a eventful week at school. Tuesday was Field Day. I was supposed to help with the event, but Jacob woke up with a bad fever and was too miserable to leave with a babysitter. I did manage to sneak up at the end to take a few pictures and bring her home thanks to Uncle Martin. Her class color was orange

Last night was her school concert. In addition to the children singing, students taking piano lessons can play a piece of music. Katy was really excited to play a song. Since I am teaching her to play she does not have the opportunity to play at a recital so last night was great for her. She even memorized the song. She did really well for the most part. She did mess up in the last line so she started all over again. It was cute. She wasn't as advanced most of the other students but thats because I'm a slacker of a teacher. I figure as long as were making some progress we are doing good. (I thought I had rotated and saved the video but apparently I'm not smart enough to figure out how to turn it. sorry!)
Dance recitals are quickly approaching. Alexandra and her friend Becca stopped to pose for the camera after having class pictures on Saturday. They are dancing to the Beauty and the Beast song.

I've been chastised for not having many posts about Bella, and once again I do not have any pictures of her. She'll have her turn when she starts participating in activities. For now she keeps herself busy making messes and playing in dirt. The highlight of her week was helping Uncle Martin move the load of topsoil around the yard. Unfortunately, I left my camera at home that night.
Its funny how parenting techniques change from child #1 to child #4. When Katy was little I could hardly wait for her to reach each milestone. I remember getting down on the floor and trying to teach her to crawl. My persistence paid off and she was crawling by 6 months. Each child crawled a little later as I learned that crawling is overrated from a parent's perspective. I enjoy being able to place my child on a blanket with toys and know the child will still be there when I'm down changing the load of laundry or sweeping the floor, or etc. With Jacob I was actually hoping he would not crawl until we moved. The steps to the basement are open at each step with concrete at the bottom. It makes me shudder to think of what could happen if he fell down. But, despite my refusal to help him, he has successfully mastered the forward scoot and is close to the full-out crawl. Last night, after placing him on his blanket and leaving to use the bathroom. Jared came out to find a glass of milk Jacob had spilled. So I guess my dreams of easy packing and sorting went flying out the window. Here comes trouble!