We took Jacob to his first Baseball game on Saturday. We forgot to take in account the fact that there was a Cavs playoff game also. We got stuck in horrible traffic and then there was no parking left. I mean absolutely no parking! We drove all the way down to CSU and still no parking. Jared ended up dropping me and all the kids off at Tower city so we could start walking and continued on to find parking. He ended up getting to the field first. Can you picture me walking through the crowded streets with FOUR kids in tow. People kept giving us the weirdest looks, but can you blame them? We were all decked out in our Indian apparel so it was obvious we were going to the game. I'm sure people were wondering why on earth that crazy mother was taking all those kids to the game herself. We missed the first hour which was also just the first inning. The Tribe scored SIX runs that inning that we missed. Fortunately the final score was 12-0 so we got to see six runs. Jacob was in awe of the whole experience. He even stayed awake for the fireworks that didn't end till 10:30. He was insulted that the guys behind us got nachos and fries and didn't give him any. But, I pulled out the cheerios and saved the day.

This is how Jacob fell asleep on Sunday. He was worn out from the trip, all of Saturday's events, and a busy Mother's day

Jacob is too cute. Nice pictures!
Bekah would chase Butterflies while playing soccer...needless to say thats over. Oh well I still have Kaylee to live my dream.
What a fun party!!! Very cute! What a trooper Jacob was-how lucky to go to a Cavs game!!
Hey Terra! I found your blog through Melissa's! Your kids are so cute and I can't believe that Jacob fell asleep like that. I LOVED the cake for the party. Did you make it? Our blog is jtillackfamily.blogspot.com if you want to take a look. I really like your blog. Mindy
Fabuous looking cake! You do the coolest birthday parties. We took our kids to a baseball game the other night too. They were wholly uninterested. Oh well. We'll get a babysitter next time! Looks like you guys had a great time and Jacob is darling!!
That is the cutest picture of Jacob at the ball game! And you did an awsome job at zandy's party! I can't wait to come visit! Tell Zandy that Mrs. Pickles says Hi!!
Hey Terra, I'm Kirstin's pal, Heather. We have thoroughly discussed it and think that your life will be the best EVER if you move into our ward. We promise to show you all the fun places and to watch sports with you guys and basically enrich your lives for the next three years. What more could you ask for? :) Our blog is private, but if you want another taste of what you are in for, just email me and I'll add you on the list. budporterfamily@yahoo.com Man, we are so excited!
Seriously Terra, that is the CUTEST cake I think I've ever seen! I can't believe you made it. I don't know anything about cake decorating. I want to take a class! You are VERY creative in the kitchen apparently! Next time you are here you should do a cake decorating class! :)
Good job on the cake! Looks like a fun little party. You are a good mom.
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