Thursday, February 25, 2010
Rescue Pack

Friday, February 19, 2010
Sick Day
Xandy and her friend Lexi. Xandy's diagnosis was pneumonia and Lexi's was strepthroat.My friend, Amy, let me borrow her coat and I had a blast diagnosing the kids. I probably shouldn't laugh, but one kid got really upset when a mom gave him his diagnosis. He kept saying I don't have that, I don't. He looked ready to cry and we had to keep assuring him it was all pretend. I also liked the reaction of little boy who laughed so hard he had tears when he found out that one of the symptoms of his illness was diarrhea. He kept repeating it and giggling for a good 5 minutes or more.
3rd grade Program
Please excuse the poor quality of our camera. A new camera is on my wish list but so are a treadmill and new couches so it may be awhile till I get one.

Jacob: was that my mom?
Me: NO! I'm your mom!!!
Jacob: No, you Aswan
Me: Huh? Who am I?
Jacob: You Aswan, the Lion (he means Aslan the kids have been on a Narnia kick lately)
Me: (after growling at him) Okay Peter, I'll be Aslan
Jacob: I not Peter, I Jacob
Me: If I'm Aslan then you must be Peter, you know the little boy in the movie...
Jacob: I NOT PETER! I'm....................................A BUCKEYE!
It was all a bit random. If only to be able to understand the mind of a 2 yr old boy............

I saw this shirt at Target and couldn't resist

We decided not to fight the crowds Valentine's week-end and stayed inside. I was recovering from a bad cold anyway so we postponed our V-day weekend plans. But I was surprised when the doorbell rang and a flower delivery guy was on the other side. I LOVE TULIPS!!!!!
Jared turned the 32 and for the next month and a half I can tease him about being an old man. The girls had the day off but he had to work. We played at a friend's house all day: sledding, crafts, lunch, etc while the B-day boy slaved away at work. We do feel bad but we enjoyed ourselves anyway. We got home an hour beforehand and somehow managed to clean the house and make stuffed pork chops and his all-time favorite- 4layer dessert. We were finishing setting the table when he came in. I love having 3 girls who love to help in the kitchen!

Kids against Hunger

Science Fair:Katy tested 4 commercial detergent and a Loni's recipe for home-made detergent against 4 different stains. Loni will be glad to know that her recipe worked just as well as Tide and Era, better than Oxi-clean. Gain worked the best but only by a tiny margin. Its probably fair to say the detergents are equally effective.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Tender moments

CAT or cat?