Friday, July 25, 2008

The Little Black Dress

Disclaimer: This is a true story. Any similarities to actual people and events was intentional.

Once upon a time there was a young lady whose cousin was about to get married. This young lady happened to be at Target a few months before the wedding. As she walked down the aisle she heard something calling to her. She turned and saw a cute afordable little black dress. She contemplated whether or not to buy it. It would be a cute dress for the wedding but she was trying to drop 20 lbs by then. She decided to buy the dress. Afterall she could always buy another dress if she did miraculously lose weight. Later that day she stopped by her mom's house and excitedly described her new purchase to her mom.

A week later this same mother was in Target when she spotted another of these little black dresses. However, due to a combination of "old age forgetfulness" and her daughter's poor description it did not occur to her that this was the same dress her daughter had already purchased. "What a perfect dress to wear to my neice's wedding!" she thought as she tossed the dress in her cart and continued with her shopping.

Hundreds of miles away in the city of brotherly love another young lady headed out the door to Target. This young lady was the sister-in-law, and daughter-in-law of the before mentioned women. As she strolled through the store she too was drawn to the little black dress. What a perfect dress to wear to my husband's cousin's wedding she thought. However, she decided to purchase the dress on a different day and went on her way. Several weeks later the mother-in-law came to visit. "What would you like for your B-day?" she asked the second young lady. The young lady began to describe the dress she had seen at Target.

Fortunately, fate intervened and the three women realized they all intended on wearing the same dress BEFORE they showed up wearing the same dress looking like a bunch of silly cheesy relatives


Joan said...

Oh cute! However, I was not forgetful-I just did not make the connection! We all just have good taste!

Jenni said...

That made me laugh!!

Chatty Family said...

Too funny! Since you are in a different state and your mom is in a different ward, can I go buy that dress for me?

Natalie Buchkovich said...

I giggled through the whole story! What a hoot! I still can't believe how close we were to all wearing the same dress to this fancy cocktail wedding! That would make a great picutre.

Dustin and Tonya Ray Family said...

It would have been sooo funny had you all shown up wearing the same dress... it is way cute I totally understand how you would all want to buy it.. I just think that added Nat to the picture made it that much funnier.

Nikki said...

You guys will all look great!

Amy said...

Hilarious! You have a talent for making a funny story that much more enjoyable. So glad you are back to blogging - I missed you. Keep us updated on the adjustment to your new life.

Kate said...

You're too funny. Thanks for the laugh!