The girls got free tickets for 6 Flags through the school's reading program. We went the weekend after the 4
th. It also happened to be the Discover Card members night, which meant we got to stay 2 extra hours after the park closed for FREE. Three rides stayed opened: Mr. Freeze, Evil
Knievel, and
Scooby Doo. We rode the
Scooby Doo ride more times than I care to remember. For it being so late at night, Jacob was still going strong and LOVED that ride.
Xandy and Katy were big enough for Evil
Knievel so Jared and I took turns taking the other girls. It was great because there was no lines and we could just stay in our seats and ride again and again. Jared and I also rode Mr. Freeze several times. When we left the park at 11pm there were only about a dozen cars left. It was great fun!! I also love how your admission gets you into both the rides and the
water park. You have to pay extra to go to Cedar Point's
water park which means I've never actually gone there. After I pay admission, I want to get my money's worth not pay more to go to another part. We used some coupons to save money on the rest of our admissions. We also picked up 2
Hot'N Ready pizzas from Little Caesar's the night before and left those in the car. When we were ready to eat we walked to the car and enjoyed our hot pizza(hot from sitting in the car) and cold drinks from our cooler and saved about $30 since the family pizza meal was over $40 at the park.

We got home around 12:30 am after a quick stop at McDonalds to satisfy the munchies and an hour drive home. We listened to the messages and learned we needed to be at the church at 8:15. That was an experience..... getting 6 people up and showered on less than 7 hours of sleep.... Lets just say we had quality nap time for EVERYONE that afternoon!!!!
Oh, one more thing, while on one of the rides I noticed Alexandra's ear had some dried crusty stuff on it. When they ride stopped I examined her ear and discovered that her earring back was completely inside her earlobe and the hole had closed around it. I do NOT do well with things like that. I thought I was going to lose my lunch and it was NOT because of the ride! We had to get it cut out Monday at the pediatrician's. Katy later learned from Xandy's friend, Aria, that Xandy knew about it and just didn't tell us. She learned her lesson though because now she can't wear earrings until it heals. It could take several months which means no earrings on the first day of school. She's devastated.