Thursday, July 8, 2010


After Safety Town graduation we swam in Mima's pool one last time before heading to PA for a family reunion. We made it to the hotel that evening with enough time to..........what else.... swim. (My children are actually part fish).

The reunion was Saturday at Ohiopyle a state park known for its white water rafting. Ohiopyle is also the location of Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water and Kentuck Knob. And no, sadly, for the second time I did not get to see them. Despite the outrageous cost, kids under 6 are not allowed. We did however slide down the natural waterslides. Its a thrill but also painful at the same time. Not quite sure why sitting in freezing water while slamming into rock cliffs as you slide down the mountain (and your bottom gets scraped against the larger rocks)is enjoyable but somehow it is. The girls were furious that we wouldn't let them try. My mommy heart just wouldn't have been able to watch that. We did let them slide down the last 15 feet or so but sadly I have no pictures. I think Shari and Maria took some so hopefully they'll send some

Pop-Pop always has a bunch of games for the kids and a treasure chest (bait box) full of prizes. My kids were the only ones there, until late afternoon when my cousin Vicci came with her two girls, so they ended up with a bag full of prizes each.

We also went to see a waterfall. Katy and Jocelyn (my cousin's daughter) climbed the rocks to play behind the waterfall.

1 comment:

Amy said...

So beautiful! Looks like a lot of fun.