Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Icecream and Science

Icecream and Science are two of my favorite things!
 Katy combined them into a science fair project this year.  She researched what ingredients five different frozen desserts were made of.  After comparing the differences she picked which she thought would melt fastest and which would melt slowest.  Turns out maybe Frozen Custard isn't the best choice on a hot St. Louis day as it only lost to Frozen Yogurt for title of fastest melting.  But, who are we kidding?  Nothing tastes quite as good as a Bobby's concrete so I doubt the results will change our frozen dessert eating habits.  And by the way, not that we have a countdown or anything, but Bobby's reopens a week from today!! (Porters, Lindsays- I'm sure we'll see you there)  Oh, and in case you were wondering, icecream took the longest to melt with Sorbet and Sherbert falling in the middle.

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