Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kisses from Heaven

I love little baby kisses. Jacob has been "giving" me kisses or his form of them for about a week now. I wasn't sure if thats really what he was doing at first. I still wondered if he wasn't just hungry and trying to latch on. Last night, for a whole slew of reason that I won't bore you with, I was crying. When Jared found me, he had Jacob with him. Jacob reached for me and then plastered a big "Kiss" on my cheek. Then he smiled and started to play with something else- no signs at all of being hungry. It made me feel soooo much better. There is nothing better in the world then a kiss from a cute little baby.


the Petterson Family said...

When I read this post, the song "Let them be Little came on and he said the words "...I live for those kisses..." Wow, one simple post, and I broke down! (Contribute it to PMS, maybe??) Sounds like both of us need a kleenex!

Natalie Buchkovich said...

Those kids can make you go crazy, but they sure can make you feel so loved and can make your day! Jacob is a sweetheart!

Nicky said...

So tender. I love these little angels on earth! So, I hope you don't mind but I have to tag you. Check out my blog for details if you want to participate. It was fun seeing you all in "The Friend". Belle loved it.