Katy attended a sleep-over and came home with a baggie of treats including bubblegum and a container of Flarp. The next day I got sick and spent the better part of the week in bed. Wednesday evening a friend picked Katy up and took her to activity days. I sent the other kids off to play and settled on the couch for a little nap. Xandy came and asked if she could have some gum from Katy's party bag. After explaining that she could not have her sister's gum without asking first and that Katy would be home in an hour, I sent her on her way to play again. As I closed my eyes and drifted closer to the sleep my body craved, I was awoken by Bella. She was rambling about Xandy having green stuff in her hair. The girls have green hair glitter and though I don't usually like them to play in it I was too sick to care. I figured, hey, if that will keep them busy until Jared gets home more power to them. I laid back down and drifted to sleep. Soon, I was awoken to the sound of Jared coming in. He sat and talked to me before heading back out the door to pick Katy and her friend up from Activity day. About this time I realized the girls had been to quiet upstairs so before Jared left, he went up to check on them. This is what he found..........

Apparently, Xandy decided to sneak some of Katy's gum (she was chewing gum when he found her). While in the treat bag she came across the container of Flarp. Curious, she opened the jar. We're still not sure what happened after that, but it ended up all through her hair. After an hour of an angry sick mom trying to comb it our of her hair, without trying to be gentle I might add,we were no closer to having it out than when I had started. Her dad took over, and tried the idea he had suggested at the beginning, that I had ignored. Evidently, it rinses right out with water. So if you ever find a container of Flarp in your child's hair just stick them in the shower and it will rinse right away. Unless, you want to teach them a lesson they won't soon forget. After mom tugging a comb through her hair for over an hour, Xandy will think twice about opening a container of Flarp again!