Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin carving

I love Halloween here. Its like a week long celebration. we started with Trunk-or-Treat the week-end before. Then followed with class parties for the girls, and preschool party for the little two, play group cookie decorating, pumpkin carving, trick-or-treat on the 30th, eating the pumpkin dinner with friends, the 2 hour parade Halloween night.... I went to the grocery store and to walmart on Saturday and even the cashiers were in costume. Saturday many of the local businesses were giving deals if you came in costume. Jared had to do a lot of work so we skipped out but it was painful to miss out on free icecream from Bobby's. Its probably for the best though, did my kids really need more sugar?

1 comment:

the Petterson Family said...

Looks like you had some great Halloween fun!