Sunday, November 15, 2009


Saturday was a gorgeous warm fall day. We took advantage of the nice weather. I went for a run. The kids did a little of this:

Jared and I did a bit of this:

Yes, I realize that it is only mid-November, but if we didn't do that Saturday, we wouldn't have had a chance again until mid-December. So, despite the weird stares from our neighbors and other passerbys, we decided to go ahead and put up our lights. It was worth the weird looks to hang them in the warm sun (I was even barefoot) before the crazy Christmas season. So, when our neighbors are pulling out their hair trying to hang their lights in the busy cold December days, we will be able to sit back and drink some cocoa. Well, its a nice thought but our week-ends are crazy busy filled already, thats what prompted us to begin with. So, Grandma, when you come to visit our lights will be ready!!! And don't worry, we haven't turned them on yet, we'll wait for December for that.
We ended the day with by roasting hotdogs and s'mores with the Morrisons over a fire. I LOVE having family nearby!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

We've been doing a little bit of that too! Wednesday was Adam's day off (Veteran's Day too) and so we raked leaves, cleaned out gutters and hung Christmas lights. And I'm so glad it's done - it snowed Friday night.