Thursday, December 16, 2010
Piano Recital
Here are some videos of the girls' piano recital. Our memory card on the camera was full so they were taken on the phone which leaves a lot to be desired on the quality of the video. Katy actually played 2 songs and a duet with her teacher. I can only find one song. I'll have to see if the other 2 are on Jared's phone when he gets home. (I added 2 more videos. One of Katy's first song and another of Bella. Its the same as the other one except it has her introduicing herself and her song. This was a HUGE accomplishment for the child that does not like to speak in front of large groups. Especially since we forgot to tell her she had to introduce herself until right before her turn. She had a panic attack so I told her the important thing was to play, if she didn't want to do the introduction not to worry about it. I was stunned when she got up and gave the introductions. We are so proud of you girls!)
Playgroup Christmas Party
Our playgroup had its annual christmas party at the Game. Santa came and brought a book for everychild. The kids got to play in the suspended play area, make crafts, and eat pizza.
We took Tyler and Brynlee with us since Lindsay just had her baby.
Tyler, Jacob, and Elijah had a blast playing together
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Game Day and Tree Hunting
Saturday morning we went to get the tree. I found a place called Wilcox trees several years back. We love riding the tractor through the woods to the back lot. We also enjoy the free hot chocolate at the end.
How many people does it take to cut down a tree? There were 6 of us, 3 in my brother's family, my 2 parents, and Karl (my second cousin)and his two boys (3). Yep, 14 of us went to get one tree, but we sure did have fun.
The rest of the day was game day but our numbers were low this year. Loni and Todd helped boost our numbers when they stopped by with their family to join in the fun.

I love these signs. They rank up there with the Raging Rivers sign.
How many people does it take to cut down a tree? There were 6 of us, 3 in my brother's family, my 2 parents, and Karl (my second cousin)and his two boys (3). Yep, 14 of us went to get one tree, but we sure did have fun.
The rest of the day was game day but our numbers were low this year. Loni and Todd helped boost our numbers when they stopped by with their family to join in the fun.
The kids all trying to carry the tree
Katy's new hat
I love these signs. They rank up there with the Raging Rivers sign.
Black Friday
Jared won the prize this year for waking up the earliest. We left the house at 3:30. Natalie and I were the only other early morning shoppers and we left shortly before 5.
Later in the day my mom's sister and cousin came from Pennsylvania with their families (including grandchildren) to shop. It is a tradition starting back when we were little. My grandma lived in a little apartment in my mom's cousin's house. We would have a giant Thanksgiving dinner and the next day we would all hit the stores. The tradition was discontinued for a few years after we all moved away and grandma passed away. A few years ago after my cousin moved to Pittsburg it started back up. Her family goes to her house for Thanksgiving and the next day they make the couple hour drive to my parent's house and we all go shopping. This year my mom's cousin and family decided to come join in also
Part of the tradition involved eating lunch at a hotdog place outside the mall near my grandma's. This was not my most favorite part of the tradition. If I'm being honest I have to admit to throwing several teenaged fits because I did not want to eat a hot dog. Sometimes I'd run to subway to get my own food. Well, there is a hotdog place a few minutes from my parents so we started the day with lunch. Hotdogs are still not my favorite, but it was hilarious to take 25 people into this little hotdog joint. Some of the workers were heard muttering choice words when we all filed in.
Then we went to Crocker Park for some shopping.
Katy was proud to make the first purchase of the shopping trip. We realized when packing that she had out grown all her hat and boots. She was freezing and found a hat she like at the GAP. Being the cheapskate I am, I told her I'd buy her one at Target but if she wanted a $16 hat she had to buy it herself. Since she has her own income now, she decided she really like the hat and bought it. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Its very warm!!!!! (and cute) The wind was bitter cold so we didn't last as long as we normally do. We did stumble upon Santa when we ducked into this cute little toy store to warm up. The Santa there was terrific. He really took the time to talk with kids. He asked my girls "whats this I hear about you three fighting". Ah, the look on their faces was priceless! Xandy asked for a puppy. Santa asked who was going to take care of it. She said "my little brother, he likes dogs" Santa told her it was probably not a good idea to ask for something unless she was willing to take care of it.
Later in the day my mom's sister and cousin came from Pennsylvania with their families (including grandchildren) to shop. It is a tradition starting back when we were little. My grandma lived in a little apartment in my mom's cousin's house. We would have a giant Thanksgiving dinner and the next day we would all hit the stores. The tradition was discontinued for a few years after we all moved away and grandma passed away. A few years ago after my cousin moved to Pittsburg it started back up. Her family goes to her house for Thanksgiving and the next day they make the couple hour drive to my parent's house and we all go shopping. This year my mom's cousin and family decided to come join in also
Part of the tradition involved eating lunch at a hotdog place outside the mall near my grandma's. This was not my most favorite part of the tradition. If I'm being honest I have to admit to throwing several teenaged fits because I did not want to eat a hot dog. Sometimes I'd run to subway to get my own food. Well, there is a hotdog place a few minutes from my parents so we started the day with lunch. Hotdogs are still not my favorite, but it was hilarious to take 25 people into this little hotdog joint. Some of the workers were heard muttering choice words when we all filed in.
yes, everyone you see was part of our group!
Then we went to Crocker Park for some shopping.
Katy was proud to make the first purchase of the shopping trip. We realized when packing that she had out grown all her hat and boots. She was freezing and found a hat she like at the GAP. Being the cheapskate I am, I told her I'd buy her one at Target but if she wanted a $16 hat she had to buy it herself. Since she has her own income now, she decided she really like the hat and bought it. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Its very warm!!!!! (and cute) The wind was bitter cold so we didn't last as long as we normally do. We did stumble upon Santa when we ducked into this cute little toy store to warm up. The Santa there was terrific. He really took the time to talk with kids. He asked my girls "whats this I hear about you three fighting". Ah, the look on their faces was priceless! Xandy asked for a puppy. Santa asked who was going to take care of it. She said "my little brother, he likes dogs" Santa told her it was probably not a good idea to ask for something unless she was willing to take care of it.
We celebrated Christmas with my family on Thanksgiving day. Here's a some of what we did:
Natalie and I started the day with a 5k. It been pouring most of the night so we were dreading the race. IT was actually perfect running weather by start time. I wanted to run under 25 minutes but decided with the wet conditions not to push it. I was feeling great though so after a little more than a half mile, I started to push a little harder. I ran a 25:31. I was so mad at myself for not trying harder from the start. Its still the best time I've had post college so I won't complain too much.
Anxiously waiting for dinner
The Crazies
opening gifts
Pop Pop distributing gifts. The tree in the background was put up soley for our Christmas celebration. The real tree was cut down Saturday morning
It got really quiet and then we heard muffled giggles. We found the kids crammed into a tiny closet. I guess they were hiding from us. It reminds me of a time Katy and PopPop hid in a closet when she was only a year or two old. They thought they were playing hide and seek with us but we didn't know so we never looked for them. Katy fell asleep on my dad and he couldn't get up because of the position they were in. He had to stay there for awhile until we finally wondered where they went and came looking for them.
Playing games with Mima and PopPop
Jacob's first shoot
Jacob decided he wanted to try his hand at some photography the other day. He stood on a chair with the camera (so he could see more than my legs) and told me to strike different poses. Here are the results:
Not bad for his first attempt
Not bad for his first attempt
Anniversary dinner
Our anniversary was the day before Thanksgiving. We spent the day with friends and family having fun and preparing food. It was a blast but we didn't get to really celebrate the day.
After we got home from Ohio, I cooked a special meal for Jared and I. The girls decided to be our servers. They also decided that Jared and I need to be dressed nicer for our "date" and sent us upstairs with instructions on what to wear. They did a great job serving us! They poured our drinks (sparkling grape juice). Then they brought in our appetizer and bread followed by the salad. After clearing those plates thet served dinner. It was nice and they looked so cute. Xandy really got into her role. She called us "sir" and "ma'am". Katy asked if they could serve us again sometime. She even wants to make dinner for us next time. Bella "babysat" Jacob during the meal. It ended up being expensive babysitting for us since the two of them managed to break the TV in our bedroom.
Happy 11th Anniversary Honey!!
After we got home from Ohio, I cooked a special meal for Jared and I. The girls decided to be our servers. They also decided that Jared and I need to be dressed nicer for our "date" and sent us upstairs with instructions on what to wear. They did a great job serving us! They poured our drinks (sparkling grape juice). Then they brought in our appetizer and bread followed by the salad. After clearing those plates thet served dinner. It was nice and they looked so cute. Xandy really got into her role. She called us "sir" and "ma'am". Katy asked if they could serve us again sometime. She even wants to make dinner for us next time. Bella "babysat" Jacob during the meal. It ended up being expensive babysitting for us since the two of them managed to break the TV in our bedroom.
Don't you love their outfits?
Happy 11th Anniversary Honey!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Another trip to the Benjamin Stephenson house
I chaperoned Bella's field trip to the Benjamin Stephenson house on Friday. Due to budget cuts this is one of the few field trips the kids will get this year.
Inside the house the children were expected to life by the etiquette rules of that era. Which meant the girls got the soft setee and the boys had to sit on hard chairs. The girls also got to always be first. The boys in our group were dying. They thought it was horribly unfair.
Saturday I got another excursion with Bella. We went to her friend Camie's B-day party. Camie just recently moved out of our ward to another ward. She was the only other girl in Bella's primary class so she really misses Camie. She had a countdown all week until the party. On Saturday, she got up and was dressed and ready to go hours before it started. She was ready before me and I had a church meeting to go to beforehand.
Inside the house the children were expected to life by the etiquette rules of that era. Which meant the girls got the soft setee and the boys had to sit on hard chairs. The girls also got to always be first. The boys in our group were dying. They thought it was horribly unfair.
Saturday I got another excursion with Bella. We went to her friend Camie's B-day party. Camie just recently moved out of our ward to another ward. She was the only other girl in Bella's primary class so she really misses Camie. She had a countdown all week until the party. On Saturday, she got up and was dressed and ready to go hours before it started. She was ready before me and I had a church meeting to go to beforehand.
(Don't try to take her picture if she's not in the mood!)
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