Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another trip to the Benjamin Stephenson house

I chaperoned Bella's field trip to the Benjamin Stephenson house on Friday.  Due to budget cuts this is one of the few field trips the kids will get this year. 

Inside the house the children were expected to life by the etiquette rules of that era.  Which meant the girls got the soft setee and the boys had to sit on hard chairs.  The girls also got to always be first.  The boys in our group were dying.  They thought it was horribly unfair.

Saturday I got another excursion with Bella.  We went to her friend Camie's B-day party.  Camie just recently moved out of our ward to another ward.  She was the only other girl in Bella's primary class so she really misses Camie.  She had a countdown all week until the party.  On Saturday, she got up and was dressed and ready to go hours before it started.  She was ready before me and I had a church meeting to go to beforehand.
(Don't try to take her picture if she's not in the mood!)

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