Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skate Night

The girls had skate night on Tuesday with their school. We don't usually go but I promised them I'd take them this time. I forgot I was supposed to be at a RS bookclub when I made that promise. Fortunately, Dad saved the day and showed up at skate night so I could leave and the kids could still skate. Don't let the picture fool you it was packed! I did take the pictures at the very beginning before many people got there but I did a pretty good job of avoiding extra people in the pics. Jacob had never skated before and could stand suprisingly well on his skates considering his age.


Natalie Buchkovich said...

Fun!! Jacob is getting so big!

the Petterson Family said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Jared is so nice to let you go out. I like those things that help the kids skate!