Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Park days and my little buddy

I am really struggling as this school year draws to a close.  I am one of the rare moms who look forward to having my kids at home.  I know they can fight and drive me crazy but I still love vacation days.  I love the more relaxed schedule.  Doing what we want, and not being a slave to HW, practice, etc.  I love sleeping in and staying up late to watch a movie with them.  So, why is this year any different?  Because, after school lets out in May, life will never be the same.  I know life is always changing and is never the same, but I am talking a big milestone, an end of an era.  All of my kids will be in school next year.  I will not have a little buddy tagging along on errands.  No more park days or play groups or story hour.  No more naps with a little one asleep on me or snuggled up next to me.  No more mid morning stories or silly dance parties. No more afternoon games of memory and cookie baking. No more sticky jelly kisses after lunch. During the years when I had 3 little ones at home, I dreamed of this day.  It was a distant promise of shopping by myself, getting ready for the day without a million interruptions, and a little peace a quiet.  But, the last 3 years of just one child, coupled with the fact that Jacob is a super sweet well behaved little boy, has left me quite content with the status quo.  I'm not ready to lose my little buddy, but I know he is ready for more.  So, for the next 5 weeks I am going to cherish the special little moments.  We will squeeze in a few extra playdates and park days.  We will go on a bike ride or two, and take some afternoon walks.  We may have a pajama day just for fun, or eat our lunch outside.   We will fit in as much snuggling and as many stories as we can.  We may even watch a few movies together or take a few naps. I may even try to play Star Wars Wii.  Chores will not be a priority so if I messy house bothers you, please don't come visit until school lets out.  When school lets out, I will no longer be the center of his universe.  He will be off playing with his sisters.  I don't begrudge this, I'm glad he loves his sisters.  I will however, cherish each little moment for the next few weeks.  Stretching out the last 5 weeks of this chapter in my life as best I can.

Last week we met some friends at the playground at Ogleby.  Afterwards, we ate a picnic lunch by the lake. It was a beautiful day!  Jacob suggested we go for a walk after lunch.  Even though I had a to do list of chores awaiting me, I jumped at the chance to spend a some more quality outdoor time with my little buddy.

Jacob and his friend Isaac


This turtle seemed to be enjoying the warm sun as much as we were

1 comment:

Amy said...

So do you have all day kindergarten out there? Josh will be in first grade next year, so I won't have an afternoon buddy anymore. I told him he needs to stop growing up but since we all know that won't happen, we joked that I will have to have an imaginary friend to run errands with me. Got any good ideas for names? We haven't had any success naming him yet.