Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's the big deal?

Its the time of year all mothers love. You know when it starts to get cold and are children seem to be perpetually sick. In order to try to combat the vicious circle of germs we all rush out sometimes waiting in lines to get our children vaccinated for the flu. Yesterday our yearly visit to the doctor to get the flu shot. Although I did not have to wait in a line at a clinic, I did have to wait in the office longer than usual. I discovered that I have joined the ranks of parents with all day students who wait until 4pm to make appointments. Apparently the doctor's practice is NOT struggling as previous thought at my 9:30 am appointments everybody just waits until 4 and then we all cram into a waiting room smaller than some walk-in closets. Anyway, back to the main point. After bribing them all three with promises of treats if there were no fights and tears we piled into the exam room. Katy went first. She was very brave until the needle was 2 inches from her arm at which point she starts pulling away saying "Wait a minute, just a sec!" Luckily, the doctor was faster and the shot was over before she realized. Now onto the middle one. Alexandra refuses to get on the table so I have to lift her up while she is literally kicking and screaming. After all attempts to reason with her failed, I held her down for her shot. At this point Bella is a little hesistant to take her turn. Since she also need a follow-up for an ear infection we started there. After letting the Dr look in her ears she sat on the table, held up her arm and proceeded to let the doctor give her a shot without any ado. She had a look on her face that said "WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?" and didn't even wince! Go Bella!!!!!


Natalie Buchkovich said...

WAY TO GO BELLA!!!! She is a tough nut! Weston did something similar. He didn't even realize that he just go a shot, until that night when Nick was changing him into his pj's and he looked at his band-aid, and Nick said bo bo. So he started wining and saying "ouch, Bo Bo".
That is a really funny story

Dustin and Tonya Ray Family said...

AWESOME job Bella... Yep Xandy is just like her aunt. Except now I learned to just look away, so someday Xandy, you'll learn.