Thursday, February 28, 2008
Chocolate exhibit
We went to the chocolate exhibit at the science center a few weeks ago. Here are some pictures from our fun day. I loved the mirror that made everyone look tall and skinny. We went with a wonderful family new to the area. The husband works at Washington Group with Jared

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
More week-end pictures
The cousins watching a movie

Weston and Xandra sledding down the hill right outside Grandma's backdoor

The boys chilling together. Weston loved Jacob and did such a good job holding him. I think he is ready for a little brother or sister (HINT HINT)

Here is a picture of a deer hunter's perch (I'm sure there is a technical term for it but I don't know it). We were hiking through the woods on the property my dad owns when we found it. Since it was on our land without our permission we decided to have some fun with it. We took turns climbing up to see what we could see.

Sorry some of the pictures are crooked. I wanted to get these posted but didn't have time to change the format. Maybe I'll have time to come back later and mess with them.
Weston and Xandra sledding down the hill right outside Grandma's backdoor
The boys chilling together. Weston loved Jacob and did such a good job holding him. I think he is ready for a little brother or sister (HINT HINT)
Here is a picture of a deer hunter's perch (I'm sure there is a technical term for it but I don't know it). We were hiking through the woods on the property my dad owns when we found it. Since it was on our land without our permission we decided to have some fun with it. We took turns climbing up to see what we could see.
Sorry some of the pictures are crooked. I wanted to get these posted but didn't have time to change the format. Maybe I'll have time to come back later and mess with them.
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Horse Farm
A horse farm borders our family's land in Pennsylvania. The were a few horses out near the fence so the girls and I tromped through the snow to see them. The horses were very friendly and came right up against the fence so we could pet them. One horse had been out by the road and when he saw us coming he ran straight towards the side fence where we were. He even beat the two horses that had only been 20 feet away to begin with. It was one of the highlights of the week-end. The also enjoyed sledding down Grandma's hill. I didn't take any pictures but Natalie did so maybe I can get some from her and send them.

The Big 30
Happy Birthday to my husband who turned 30 last Friday. He took the day off and we went out for lunch. Nothing fancy but nice to be out without the kids (althought we did take Jacob but he slept the whole time so that doesn't count). After Katy got out of school we loaded up the van and drove to Pennsylvania for a relaxing week-end. Grandma got him a cake and when we took it out to him he made a funny face. I asked what was the matter and he said seeing a 30 on the cake finally made him realize how old he is.

Toothless and Loving it!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Nanny MacPhee
My three year old is in love- let me rephrase- obsessed with Nanny MacPhee. For those of you who haven't seen it, its a cute but slightly annoying movie about a family of children who go through one nanny after another until Nanny MacPhee comes to straighten them out. One week we watched the movie over 8 times. That was the breaking point for me. In the movie, Nanny MacPhee tells the children "When you don't want me but need I'll stay, and when you want me but no longer need me I have to go". Two weeks ago after Bella went to bed the DVD disappeared and not by accident. The following morning after several hours of searching for the movie Bella asked where it was. I told Bella when she no longer wanted it Nanny MacPhee would return but since Bella wanted her, Nanny MacPhee had to go. I thought with the movie out of sight she would quickly forget about this nanny. On the contrary she talks about her several times a day. -"I love Nanny MacPhee!" " Look I have teeth like Nanny MacPhee." "Is Nanny MacPhee back yet?" "Nanny MacPhee is my friend"- The ironic part is that at the beginning of the movie Nanny MacPhee is quite SCARY looking. As the movie progresses and the kids start to like her she gradually becomes prettier. My daughter is apparently not afraid of completely ugly and scary looking people. Anyone who's interested in seeing the movie I have a copy that I'm MORE than willing to lend out!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Warning: This is not a warm fuzzy blog, beware of tears!
I found out today some terrible news concerning an aquaintance of mine. I would normally use the word friend to describe this wonderful woman but do not feel worthy to call myself her friend tonight. A true friend would have been aware of the trials in her life and not been as blind sided as I was this evening. She is an inspiring person. She and her husband are both very active in the community and schools. She is kind and always goes out of her way to make people feel important and welcomed. She is always willing to help whenever needed. She loves her children and is the kind of mother I can only hope to become. She battled ovarian cancer several years ago but very few people were aware of her trial. She never complained and continued to volunteer as much as she could. I have not been as involved in the PTA this year as I was last year. Due to my church calling, I have only attended one PTA meeting this year. I was not aware that this dear woman was also absent from the meetings. I was not aware that she had stopped helping at the school. Tonight I found out that the cancer has returned. This time it has spread throughout her entire body and hospice has been called in. My heart aches tonight. It aches for her 7 year old son who is watching his mommy slowly die, old enough to to see what is happening but not understand why. It aches for her 5 year old daughter who will most likely board the bus on her first day of kindergarten next fall without her mommy blowing her kisses and waving goodbye. It aches for my friend who looks at her children overy day knowing that she won't be around to take part in the tiny and big events of their lives. It aches that there is nothing I can do to lessen the pain for this family. All I can do is offer a prayer in their behalf and give thanks for each day I have with my husband and children.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Kindergarten screening is quickly approaching so I have been reviewing with Alexandra the things they will test her on. She has the most trouble remembering her address so we try to practice whenever we are driving in the car. Today on the way to ballet, after telling me her street address and town ,she paused. I asked "Avon what?" trying coax "Ohio" out of her. Her response was an enthusiastic "Avon Eagles!". Maybe she'll get bonus points for that answer.
Monday, February 4, 2008
The 100th Day
I just have to tell everyone about a funny conversation I had with Katy today.
Katy: Mom, I have to study my spelling words really good tonight cause I think there's going to be a test tomorrow.
Me: Why would you have a test. You just got a new list of words today?
Katy: Because tomorrow is the last day.
Me: Of what?
Katy: Of school.
Me: Tomorrow is not the last day of school
Katy: Yes it is, it is the 100th day of school tomorrow
Me: The 100th day is not the last day.
Katy: Oh man! (with a look of sheer disappointment)
It was so funny that I burst out laughing (which never goes over very well, but I just couldn't help it). So much for the theory that she liked school. Happy 100th day of school tomorrow Katy!
Katy: Mom, I have to study my spelling words really good tonight cause I think there's going to be a test tomorrow.
Me: Why would you have a test. You just got a new list of words today?
Katy: Because tomorrow is the last day.
Me: Of what?
Katy: Of school.
Me: Tomorrow is not the last day of school
Katy: Yes it is, it is the 100th day of school tomorrow
Me: The 100th day is not the last day.
Katy: Oh man! (with a look of sheer disappointment)
It was so funny that I burst out laughing (which never goes over very well, but I just couldn't help it). So much for the theory that she liked school. Happy 100th day of school tomorrow Katy!
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