Weston and Xandra sledding down the hill right outside Grandma's backdoor
The boys chilling together. Weston loved Jacob and did such a good job holding him. I think he is ready for a little brother or sister (HINT HINT)
Here is a picture of a deer hunter's perch (I'm sure there is a technical term for it but I don't know it). We were hiking through the woods on the property my dad owns when we found it. Since it was on our land without our permission we decided to have some fun with it. We took turns climbing up to see what we could see.
Sorry some of the pictures are crooked. I wanted to get these posted but didn't have time to change the format. Maybe I'll have time to come back later and mess with them.
cute pictures of the family! cousins are the best.
Cute blog! I love all my bloggin friends! and I love it even more when they are there in person. thank you so much for inviting me to the recipe activity, you are more sweet than words can say!
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