Monday, February 4, 2008

The 100th Day

I just have to tell everyone about a funny conversation I had with Katy today.
Katy: Mom, I have to study my spelling words really good tonight cause I think there's going to be a test tomorrow.
Me: Why would you have a test. You just got a new list of words today?
Katy: Because tomorrow is the last day.
Me: Of what?
Katy: Of school.
Me: Tomorrow is not the last day of school
Katy: Yes it is, it is the 100th day of school tomorrow
Me: The 100th day is not the last day.
Katy: Oh man! (with a look of sheer disappointment)
It was so funny that I burst out laughing (which never goes over very well, but I just couldn't help it). So much for the theory that she liked school. Happy 100th day of school tomorrow Katy!


Nikki said...

that is funny!

Steph & James said...

Terra! I love your blog! It's soo cute! And that's the funniest thing ever!

Natalie Buchkovich said...

That is funny! Poor Katy