Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Nanny MacPhee

My three year old is in love- let me rephrase- obsessed with Nanny MacPhee. For those of you who haven't seen it, its a cute but slightly annoying movie about a family of children who go through one nanny after another until Nanny MacPhee comes to straighten them out. One week we watched the movie over 8 times. That was the breaking point for me. In the movie, Nanny MacPhee tells the children "When you don't want me but need I'll stay, and when you want me but no longer need me I have to go". Two weeks ago after Bella went to bed the DVD disappeared and not by accident. The following morning after several hours of searching for the movie Bella asked where it was. I told Bella when she no longer wanted it Nanny MacPhee would return but since Bella wanted her, Nanny MacPhee had to go. I thought with the movie out of sight she would quickly forget about this nanny. On the contrary she talks about her several times a day. -"I love Nanny MacPhee!" " Look I have teeth like Nanny MacPhee." "Is Nanny MacPhee back yet?" "Nanny MacPhee is my friend"- The ironic part is that at the beginning of the movie Nanny MacPhee is quite SCARY looking. As the movie progresses and the kids start to like her she gradually becomes prettier. My daughter is apparently not afraid of completely ugly and scary looking people. Anyone who's interested in seeing the movie I have a copy that I'm MORE than willing to lend out!!!


Tara said...

I'm with Bella...I love that movie too! I sure hope she returns soon...for Bella that is...our movies here is Cars and Over the Hedge...almost every other day Max wants to watch one or the other...oh well!

Kate said...

I'll take you up on that offer, I'd love to see it! Is it like Mary Poppins? Maybe you could show her that one to break things up a bit? I have an ancient VHS copy if you're interested in borrowing it.

Susan said...

I asdore that movie. We just watched it last weekend...with my grandkids. Nope...that ugly old hag isn't scary! She's a bubbayaga!