Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ready and Rearin' to go at Half a Year
Friday, March 28, 2008
Friends in the News

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Lesson Learned
Easter morning and a trip to the Rainforest on Good Friday:
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Through the eyes of a 3 year old
I got the privilege of working with Bella last night. In her eyes Temple should go pretty far (and why not? she's learned all about them in nursery and knows they are special houses of God). Austin just moved to Tenessee which gave them a big plus in her eyes. The strange one was San Diego. We couldn't figure out why she kept picking them. But, when she asked me "When do I get to choose Dora?" San DIEGO suddenly made perfect sense. I was looking forward to seeing who would win Temple or San Diego, but was a little disappointed when, in the end Diego took the edge. Austin can be happy that he has such a big place in her heart. If things work out the way Bella would like Tennessee will win it all. Come to think of it, all the girls picked Tenessee to win it all. Go Austin!! Maybe I should use her mentality to pick next year. It would at least be more fun!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Doesn't he look like a little leprechaun?

Thursday, March 13, 2008
It"s the Most Wonderful Time of the year....
Monday, March 10, 2008
Snow, a birthday, adventures, and MORE snow!

All day she kept coming and asking if it was time yet. "Tommorrow" I'd reply, all the while praying for her sake that the snowstorm sweeping through the country and headed straight for us, would magically miss us. No such luck! By Saturday morning there was about a foot of snow and several parts of the state were prohibiting people from driving. We didn't technically have driving restrictions but the snow was still falling and there were no signs that the plows would be able to hit residential areas anytime soon. (For the record the plow didn't come down our street until 3:30 and only because my mom needed to visit a quadrapelgic patient to help feed him so she called the city to plow the street so she could leave) Bella bounded out of bed thrilled that her friends would soon be on the way. Jared and I exchanged glances unsure of how we would break the news that her friends might not be coming. I half-heartedly finished the preparations feeling sorry for the little girl. Fortunately, the family and two of her friends were able to dig out and come ( A HUGE THANKYOU FOR EVEN ATTEMPTING IT AND MAKING HER DAY!!!).
Swiper stole the presents while we were making partyhats, but Map saved the day and told us were to go to find them. After crawling through a cave, and jungle, we arrived at the waterfall. We could see the presents but first had to use the fishing poles in Dora's packback to safely move the fish before we could go through the water to retrieve the presents. Even though our numbers were smaller than orginally planned, we had a blast. Although, we missed those who had drifts 4 feet up their garage doors and understandably couldn't make it.
Making party hats and Dora bracelets:

Walking like a crab:

This week-end was also stake conference which was cancelled. On Sunday, instead of staying at home and keeping warm like most people, we helped Tonya load her U-Haul. I know, you're thinking who moves in the middle of a blizzard??? But thats the crazy Buchkovich family for you. Tonya had picked up the truck but was unable to load it Saturday. Hmmm, wonder why? Since Dustin was unable to catch his connecting flight into Cleveland until Tuesday, he flew back to Tennessee and drove up to get her, but she had to load the truck without him. Since he had to be back at work tomorrow we had to help her load even though it was Sunday.
Jared and Jacob drove to the house to help her load up. The girls and I thought it would be a fun adventure to walk through the snowy woods to Mima's. It was actually Katy's idea. IF she was a little older I'd be suspicious that she tried to kill me off for the insurance. Let's just say it was quite the work-out to pull Xandy and Bella on a sled through snow that was over knee deep is some places. Total snowfall was about 17 inches but that definately does NOT take into consideration the snow drifts. We made it though and had a fun adventure doing so.

Hope everyone else here had a warm, and relaxing week-end. You can be grateful you don't belong to the crazy Buchkovich gang.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Fun in the Sun

Tuesday evening we got a bad icestorm and schools were closed Wednesday. Today it is in the mid 40s but supposedly another storm is baring down on us. Hey, at least we can finally see the sun after months without it!! I'm going to post the sledding pictures as a slideshow since there are a lot.