Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cow Tales

During a recent conversation in the kitchen, I began to be afraid that Xandy was deciding to become a vegetarian. The question had been raised as to where the different types of meat we eat come from. As the answers were being discussed, I could see Alexandra becoming more disgusted by the moment. Not that being a vegetarian is necessarily wrong, I just really love meat. It will make my live easier if my children continue to eat meat, at least while living under my roof. I'm not the type of mother that prepares multiple meals to cater if everyones tastes. Eat or go hungry is my philosophy. So, the thought of my 6 year old swearing off meat and such an early age was not appealing to me. In an effort to show her that it was really not a big deal where the meat came from, I blurted out that I had eaten a cow's tongue before. Yes, I really did. It was in some type of Home Economics class. The teacher offered extra credit to anyone who would try it. Not being one to back down from challenges or extra credit I jumped on board. In all reality it wasn't awful, it didn't have much of a taste from what I remember, but hey its been a long time since Sophomore Home Ec. Anyway, back to the main story. I informed my children that I had eaten cow's tongue. Alexandra stared at me and then, in an effort to not be outdone retorted "yeah, well I've had a cow tale before". Somehow I think she enjoyed her creme filled caramel goodie more than enjoyed the cow tongue!

1 comment:

Joan said...

gotta love those cow tales!