Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Over the river and through the woods...

.....to grandma's house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh, through the white and drifted snow.

Growing up we always sang this song as we drove to PA to visit my grandparents. A few years ago we rented a Duplex in Avon that was literally over a river (or small stream in our case) and through the woods from my parent's house. Katy and I would sing that song as we walked to my parent's. Our house in Avon is around the corner from my parent's house. Although the song no longer was applicable, we enjoyed being able to walk to grandma's house whenever we wanted. The girls miss being able to do that. Today, as Martin was packing up his car to continue his drive home from college, Bella got out her bike and helmet. She asked which way Bunny was going and pointed her bike in that direction. She then told me that she planned on following Bunny on her bike to Mima's house. I told her it was too far away. She told me, "I can do it mom, I'll just pedal really fast, but I think I can do it" I love the positive thinking, but she doesn't even enjoy the 8 hour car ride!

1 comment:

Joan said...

I wish she could ride her bike to see me.