Bella and Alexandra posing with the welcome bear

The back of his site. Behind the trees is a steep drop-off with a river below

the Homestead
my cousin Marcus- only a teenage (or baby) could sleep that soundly in a middle of so much noise, laughter, and commotion
Paul, Katy, and Levi
Elijah and Bella
Ivy and Jacob
Aria, Xandy, and Megan
Heidi and Bella
Jared, Joseph, Rochelle and little Isaac
Jared and I (we look pretty funny since we're laying on the ground and Jared took the pic)
Tommy, Julie, Katy, Jenna, Xandy, and Bella
This was my favorite of the arches since it has Chief Wahoo on it
If we had been a little further back the capital buildingwould've been completely under the arch
Bella and Mom
Jacob and Dad
Katy and Xandy (Love their "I'm miserably hot" faces)
We left and headed over to Paul's (Jared's cousin's son) baptism early and cooled off in the air-conditioned car and changed out of our sweat soaked clothes in the church. We had a fun evening visiting with Jared's aunt and uncle, Jon and Elise, and their family.
Funny how is was Paul's special day, yet I don't have any pictures of him.
Bella, Megan, Xandy, Ivy, and Katy- the girl cousins
Bella and the "log cabin" Xandy and Kindyl
Katy competing in the pie eating contest