Sunday, July 5, 2009

An early pioneer day

The third week-end in June, Jared had Friday off. He went golfing with a friend in the morning. When he got back, we decided to head to the zoo for the afternoon, even though it was in the high 90's. We picked up Jared's cousin's daughter, Megan on our way. She is the same age as Xandy and they have lots of fun together. We got to the zoo to find out it had closed at noon in prep for a special event later that night. So we decided to check out the science center instead (I love that its all free here). I'm not sure why I don't have any pictures of this. The girls had fun exploring the exhibits. Jacob stayed close by since he was terrified of the life-like T-Rex that moved and roared. Then we picked up some pizza's and headed to join Megan's family at her home. Jon and Elise watched our kids, while Jared and I headed to the temple.

The next morning the girls had a primary activity. The activity had been scheduled while I was in the presidency. Since the president and I were both going to be gone in July we decided to plan the pioneer activity a month early. The new presidency opted to keep it as scheduled. The girls took the neighbors with them. There were sack races, pie eating contests, handcart races, butter making, and clothes washing. Even though it ended up being pretty hot outside, the girls had lots of fun. They've been very interested in pioneers ever since we went to Nauvoo last year. Oh, and their cute outfits were made by my talented cousin Miranda!

Bella and the "log cabin" Xandy and Kindyl

Katy and Baylea

Katy competing in the pie eating contest


Loni said...

fun activities - we sure miss you here. Hope everything is going well for you.

Amy said...

Sounds like you are keeping really busy with fun summer plans too. I think that is the best way to keep happy kids and therefore happier mommies!