Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The 4th of July

It rained most of the day on Saturday, ruining our morning plans. It let up enough in the afternoon to head off to a BBQ. We went over to the Pearsons' house and joined in their neighborhood celebration. There is a hill behind their cul-de sac that with a few sheets of plastic and a long hose was turned into a Mega Slip 'N' Slide. The kids also decorated bikes and scooters and had a parade. We ended the night with fireworks. There were some close calls that reminded me why I usually only enjoy fireworks set off by professionals from a safe distance. And we won't get into the story involving Jared almost killing us all. My favorite story of the night is courtesy of Katy. Almost every year since I was 12, I've made a flag cake for the 4th. The traditional white cake with strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream to look like a flag. (My family expects it now. A few years ago, at a picnic spent at my parent's, I decided not to make it and my sister and brother were very upset) Saturday morning, I made the traditional cake to take with us the the picnic. The kids filtered in and out of the kitchen and familyroom as they went about their day. Later, we were at the picnic in line to get our food when Katy suddenly gasped. "Mom, look at that cake! Someone made it look like a flag, thats so cool!". Jared and I just stared at her. Really Katy! She was even more impressed when I told her that I made the cake. We'd like to know where she's been the past 9 Independence days, and where she was while I was making the cake. She did carefully critiqued the cake to make sure there were the correct amount of stars and stripes. Fortunately, I made 13 stripes in the correct order, but she was upset that their were not exactly 50 spaces in between the blueberries for stars.

Bella was unsure of the slide at first but then went more times then the other girls. She had a blast. I love her 4th of July swimsuit she was given even though its not very modest. (click on the pictures to see a bigger version)

Katy is always up for some fun and enjoyed the thrill of going downhill. It beats our little slip n slide on our flat backyard.

Xandy was a speed demon on her first and last slide. She did NOT enjoy getting grass on her and spent 10 minutes picking all the pieces off.

The parade: We didn't take our bikes because Jacob had taken a long nap which made us late. I thought they were doing the parade first, so we figured we'd already missed it. Luckily, there were enough spares that the girls participated anyway.

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