Monday, October 12, 2009

Apple Picking

Although Bella, Jacob, and I went apple picking already this year, the older two hadn't gotten to. Since the girls had a day off and I needed more apples we decided to go today. One of the closer orchards had a book reading and signing today. The author is a grandma who lives about an hour from here. She has written a series of 12 books. The first two she's published, involve apple picking and pumpkin picking. I was interested in seeing her books so I wanted to go that farm. I ended up buying both books once we got there. What can I say, I'm addicted to children's books. I was disappointed in the apples though. We had called before we left to make sure the Fuji apples were ready and were assured they were. However, we we got there, we were told that they had been mistaken and they Fuji's weren't ready. We rode the tractor out to the varieties that were ready, only to discover that they were all buggy and gross. It was hard to find apples that were good and it ended up being a mom job. The kids couldn't reach the few good ones we found. It was hard to get enough to fill one bag and I had originally planned on buying several so I could can some applesauce. I felt extra bad since my friend had wanted to go to a different apple orchard. Even though the apples were a bust, it was still a fun morning. We enjoyed spending time with friends and playing in the kid area.

The fuzzy wuzzy I found had just peed on Xandy's hand. Don't you love her face?

I just love this little guy. He insisted on having apples in his bag to carry around. He also wore those gloves all morning even though it wasn't that cold out.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I want to know more about the books - what are the ones you bought and who is the author? Maybe our library has them.