Monday, October 12, 2009

Birthday Trip to the Zoo

We wanted to take Jacob to the zoo for his Birthday. He LOVES animals and the zoo goes well with the Diego theme. Unfortunately, he was under the weather that week so we didn't go. The next week-end was conference and there just wasn't time in between sessions. With the weather turning colder and the Halloween festivities approaching we decided we'd better fit it in this week-end. We went Saturday morning after picking all 4 kids up at the neighbor's. Yes, all four kids went to a sleepover. Go ahead, say it. I know you are all thinking I'm crazy for sending my 2 year old to a sleepover. Although, as my brother said maybe its not as much crazy as really smart! Jared and I were trying to find a babysitter to go out, and the neighbor girls wanted to have a sleepover with our girls. Since they also have a little boy a year older than Jacob they just decided to have him come as well. He did really great. I was a little worried for their sake, but Jacob even slept in a big boy bed with his friend. I must say it was pretty nice to come home to an empty house.

Anyway, back to the zoo. It was Ottertoberfest this week-end. There was plenty of german food and polka music to go around. I thought it was great that Jacob kept jiving to the the Polka music. That's my boy! Next week is the start of Boo at the Zoo and they were starting to put up decorations. In honor of Jacob's B-day, we let the kids ride the Carousel. Jacob loved riding the Jaguar since it reminded him of Baby Jaguar on Diego. (as I was adding pictures Jacob came in and saw this picture and starting jumping up and down repeatedly saying "Jacob and baby Jaguar")

Feeling a Giraffe's tail

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