Sunday, March 21, 2010
Potty Training Prodigy
Jacob was starting to show signs of potty training readiness leading up to the Holidays. I noticed the signs, but chose to ignore them. I had pushed the girls too early and as a result, they protested and the whole process was horrible. Besides, the Holidays were at our door and everyone knows that potty-training and travelling aren't the best mix. On top of that, I was stressed with preparing for the RS Christmas dinner. The first week of December he started changing himself after wetting a diaper. He wouldn't tell me, he'd just take care of it himself. I would find wet diapers discarded in corners throughout the house. I still wasn't ready to full out train, but I thought it was ridiculous. Anyone who could change himself could surely use the potty in the first place. So, out came the potty chair. I showed it to him in the restroom and told him to use it when he needed to go potty. Again, without telling me he would randomly do his business. I would go in the restroom and find little surprises in the potty chair. When we finally started "potty training" it was a snap. I won't claim that we never had accidents or setbacks. But all in all, it was the quickest potty training adventure with the least amount of accidents of all 4 kids. And in reality, I didn't do ANYTHING! If only all babies came programmed like that.......
Drama Club

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The Leprechauns were up to their tricks as usual. This year's pranks included:
1)Dying the milk green
2)Dying the toilet water green
3)Hiding mom's purse on top of the cabinet
4)Hanging Katy's lunch bag on top of the Dining Room light
5) Hanging Xandy's necklace from the ceiling fan
6) Putting Jacob's hat on the candle on the mantle
7) Turning the toothbrushes upside down
8) Switching their clothes around
9)Turning Bella's B-day cards upside down
10)Hanging the front door decoration upside down
11)Turning a picture frame upside down
12)Leaving a "Piece of gold" for each child that was in reality just chocolate
The neighbor girls were upset that the Leprechauns hadn't visited their house. I told them it must be because I'm part Irish. Luckily that seemed to appease them. Alexandra was ecstatic to learn she had some Irish in her and couldn't wait to get to school to tell her friends.
I played with our typical dinner recipes this year. I added some carrots and onions to the cabbage and potatoes. I also found a Dijon mustard spread for the cornbeef. Jared was a little wary of this so I tried it the day after with our extra cornbeef. We were planning on having some friends over for dinner so I bought two roasts but plans were changed. We did have the missionaries come eat with us. They really loved the shannon cakes so I sent them home with some extras. The less leftover, the less I'll eat!
Children's Museum
Great Grandpa B would be so proud!

A funny side note: Bella's shirt says Justice on it. There is a little boy in our ward named Justice. Therefore, she was convinced it was a boy's shirt and did not want to wear it anymore. I had a hard time convincing her that Justice is also a clothing store/brand for little girls.
Signs of Spring?

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bella's Very Fairy B-day
We found a cute little poem online, tweaked it a little, used lots of glue and glitter, and delivered invitations to her friends:
"Fairies and Pixies, we need you to fly, get your wands and your wings and take to the sky, fly to Tinker"Bella"'s birthday, there will be plenty of fun, with lots of games, cake and pixie dust for everyone! At half past twelve on Saturday to Bella's house make your way. Dressed in all your fairy stash, for an hour and half B-day bash"
(I had to way scale down the invite list. Her original list consisted of most of the primary, along with neighbors and other friends. You shoulda seen the list, I about went into cardiac arrest! I limited her to a few neighbors, the kids in her actual primary class, and her closest friend.)
These are the cookie star wands and "pixie" flowers from Family Fun. The flowers have pixie stixs taped to them. While sorting through the cookie cutters in search of the perfect star cutter, Bella found an angel and was insistent that we make fairy cookies also. We also made strawberries dipped in pink melting candy(another idea from Family Fun) but I didn't end up with a picture of that.

Bella didn't like the cake in the magazine, much to my relief. It looked pretty time consuming. It was an entire fairy village. We looked at a few pictures of cakes and she combined her favorite parts to come up with this:

Sunday, March 7, 2010