Sunday, March 21, 2010

Potty Training Prodigy

I substitute my blog for a journal/scrapbook. For me, blogging is the easiest way to document pictures and stories. In looking back a previous posts, I realized that I never blogged about Jacob's potty-training. Even though it is old news now, I thought I better post for posterity's sake.

Jacob was starting to show signs of potty training readiness leading up to the Holidays. I noticed the signs, but chose to ignore them. I had pushed the girls too early and as a result, they protested and the whole process was horrible. Besides, the Holidays were at our door and everyone knows that potty-training and travelling aren't the best mix. On top of that, I was stressed with preparing for the RS Christmas dinner. The first week of December he started changing himself after wetting a diaper. He wouldn't tell me, he'd just take care of it himself. I would find wet diapers discarded in corners throughout the house. I still wasn't ready to full out train, but I thought it was ridiculous. Anyone who could change himself could surely use the potty in the first place. So, out came the potty chair. I showed it to him in the restroom and told him to use it when he needed to go potty. Again, without telling me he would randomly do his business. I would go in the restroom and find little surprises in the potty chair. When we finally started "potty training" it was a snap. I won't claim that we never had accidents or setbacks. But all in all, it was the quickest potty training adventure with the least amount of accidents of all 4 kids. And in reality, I didn't do ANYTHING! If only all babies came programmed like that.......


Loni said...

It does help that he has three examples of what going to the potty is!!
I too use my blog as a journal. And right now, Blog2Print is having a sale, "use newb2p to save 15% off your next blog book! This coupon is valid until March 31st."

Amy said...

No kidding. We have had a little bit of interest on Josh's part, but it's sporadic and only when Dad is around. I don't expect anything to happen for a couple of months at least!

The easiest potty training for me was when I went to Singapore, Adam and my sister-in-law trained Aaron. I think I need to plan a 2 week vacation just for me . . .

timpani76 said...

Wow! If only all potty training was that easy!

I commented to Renae about Bella not wanting to wear the "Justice" brand of clothes. That was too funny!